thermal energy consumption 热能消耗 thermal energy yield 热能当量 conversion of thermal energy 热能转换 thermal activation energy 热激活能 相似单词 thermal adj. 1.热的,热量的 2.温暖的,热的 3.(指衣物)保暖的,防寒的 n. 1.热气流(如滑翔机藉以上升的) energy n. 1. 活力,干劲,能力 2.[...
The atomic reactor generates enormous amounts ofthermal energy. 原子反应堆发出大量的热能. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 The proportion ofthermal energyincreases rapidly with increasing temperature. 随着温度的上升,热能的比例迅速上升. 辞典例句 The tendency for the magnetic carriers to become aligned is completely...
这热水袋里装着热水,热水散发出来的热量,就是“thermal energy”(热能)。这热能慢慢地传递到被窝的各个角落,就像一群小暖精灵在被窝里欢快地跑着,把寒冷都赶跑啦。您想想,这是不是挺神奇的? 还有那太阳能热水器,大太阳一晒,水箱里的水就热乎了。这是因为太阳能热水器的集热器能吸收太阳的热量,把光能转化成...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By ...
The latest approach in this area is CTC technology: a process for converting paper sludge to valuable mineral productsandthermal energy. 该领域最新的研发项目是 CTC 技术:一个将造纸渣滓转化成宝贵的矿物质产品和热能的加工工艺。
thermal energy是【热能】,即内能的别称,是一个系统所拥有的状态量,我们可以说一个系统有多少thermal energy;而heat是【热量】,是一个只有在热传递过程中才有意义的过程量,我们只能说在某个过程中系统“吸收”或“放出”了多少heat,而不能说系统“有”多少heat,heat是不能“有”的。
美 英 n.热能 网络温热热能法;热能专业;热能量 英汉 网络释义 n. 1. 热能 例句 更多例句筛选
Thermal Energy Examples Thermal energy is all around us. When we boil water to make macaroni and cheese, rub our hands together to warm them up, or toast a marshmallow on an open fire, we're interacting with thermal energy. It's responsible for almost all cooking and baking, heating our...