Materials with alowcoefficientofthermal expansionarepreferable, especially where long styli are being used as thermal growth is length-dependent. 具有低热膨胀系数的材料更可取,特别是在使用长测针而热膨胀受长度制约的场合。
In operation environment, temperature has some impacts on thermal expansion coefficient too. In a certain temperature range, relative elongation is proportional linearly to temperature. In addition, thermal cycling will lead to micro-cracks in the interface of composites, and the matrix may further cur...
美 英 un.热膨胀系数 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 热膨胀系数
热膨胀系数(Coefficient of thermal expansion,簡稱CTE是指 物质在热胀冷缩效应作用之下,几何特性随着温度的变化而发生变化的规律性系数。 实际应用中,有两种主要的热膨胀系数,分別是: 大多数情况之下,此系数为正值。也就是说温度升高体积扩大。但是也有例外,当水在0到4摄氏度之间,会出现反膨胀。而一些陶瓷材料在温度...
Our constraint that M, upper and lower oxygens connected to each other causes the compact layered structure and minimized the long-range Coulomb energy between the layers. We call our model “hard-sphere model with minimum Madelung energy”. Figure 5 Madelung energy (EME) of O3- and P2-type...
coefficient of linear thermal expansion 线性热膨胀系数 [物] 线热膨胀系数 In this paper, the test method of the linear thermal expansion coefficient of hardened cement paste is studied.本文研究了水泥石线性热膨胀系数的测试方法,并针对本试验方法制定了相关的试验制度 ...
PURPOSE:To accurately measure the thermal expansion coefficient of a long pized sample by measuring electric resistance between two end points of a sample which does not practically receive the influence of a temperature change and converting the electric resistance into an average temperature change. ...
Effective Thermal Conductivity and Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of HDPEFLY Ash Composites 热度: Mass attenuation coefficient(质量衰减系数) 热度: MatE423 PhysicalPropertiesofGlass2:ThermalExpansionCoefficient Understandhowthethermalexpansioncoefficientdependsupontemperature,coolingrate,interatomicbonding,andco...
The coefficient of linear thermal expansion measures the change in length per unit length of a material per unit change in temperature. Expressed as in/in/癋or cm/cm/癈, the CLTE is used to calculate the dimensional change resulting from thermal expansion. CLTE is especially important when co... of thermal expansion of the tool Thecoefficient of thermal expansion(or contraction) of the tool needs to be as close to that of the composite laminate as much as possible. Otherwise, the mismatch between the coefficient of thermal expansion can give rise to residual stresse...