were studied by investigating the synergy of both fillers and the dimensions of the conducting filler network.The SCF was more effective in enhancing the thermal conductivity of PDMS than wCNT due to its larger aspect ratio and more homogeneous dispersion, which facilitated the formation of a conti...
Self-healing high strength and thermal conductivity of 3D graphene/PDMS composites by the optimization of multiple molecular interactions. Macromolecules 2020, 53, 7161–7170. Article CAS Google Scholar Gao, Q. S.; Pan, Y. M.; Zheng, G. Q.; Liu, C. T.; Shen, C. Y.; Liu, X. H...
thermal conductivity, insulation, and thermally stable materials are required to solve this problem. Graphene has distinguished itself as a very attractive choice among a variety of two-dimensional materials, exhibiting outstanding thermal conductivity approximately 5300 W/(mK) and exceptional mechanical ...
The highest k (TG), which was 23 times greater than the original k (PDMS), appeared in a ZnO-containing double-filler grease (=3.52 W/mK). The prediction for the maximum attainable thermal conductivity was preliminarily supported. 展开 ...
The evolutions of Raman spectra clearly reveal the phase transition from 2H to 1T′ phase in MoTe2 on four different substrates with the increase in laser power. The laser power required for the phase transition is proportional to the substrate thermal conductivity. The PDMS substrate with the ...
High through-plane thermal conductivity and Light-weight of UHMWPE Fibers/PDMS composites by a large-scale preparation method The high through-plane thermal conductivity of thermal interface materials (TIMs) is a major challenge in the thermal management of electronic devices. In ... H Liu,X Yu,...
The obtained h-BN@(Ag/Cu) hybrids serve as loading fillers to substantially boost the thermal conductivity of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS). The thermal conductivity of as-prepared h-BN@(Ag/Cu)/PDMS composite reaches 1.5645 W m−1 K−1 at 25 vol% filler loading. Furthermore, the ...
d The thermal conductivity of TPS versus the mass ratio of heat-absorbing microspheres before the phase change (25 oC) and after the phase change (50 oC). e The variation of the specific heat capacity of TPS with temperature under different mass ratios of heat-absorbing microspheres. f ...
As a material possessing extremely high thermal conductivity, graphene has been considered as the ultimate filler for fabrication of highly thermally conductive polymer composites. In the past decade, graphene and its derivatives were demonstrated in many studies to be very effective in enhancing the th...
PDMS has been widely used in some emerging application fields (such as LED devices, chip packaging, and batteries) due to lightweight, good elasticity and flexibility, chemical stability, simple processing and molding properties [6]. Nevertheless, the extremely low thermal conductivity of PDMS ...