mlxTransformer thermal sight and scope binocularThermal binoculars with interchangeable lenses nextLong-distance thermal attachment clip-onThermal clip-on sight lrfLaser rangefinder SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Новости +359 88 2399915 ...
Obeservation scope clip on thermal imager for day and night outdoor ARTEMIS is a high precision thermal clip-on, features with compact and ultra-light design, works seamlessly with your daytime scopes. Based on an advaned 12um thermal imaging sensor with 384x288 p...
BAE Systems launched a military-grade thermal weapon sight featuring 12-micron (12 urn) detector technology - called the Universal Thermal Clip-On version Ⅻ (UTC Ⅻ) weapons sight - at the 2015 SHOT Show in Las Vegas, Nevada, in late January. Similar to the Universal Thermal Clip-On ...
Thermal Riflescopes, Thermal Clip-on Sights, Thermal Monoculars and Binoculars Your browser does not support the video tag. All Thermals DHF 1-7×24 Daytime Riflescope Variable magnification 1-7× First focal plane. Objective lens diameter Ø24 mm. Body diameter Ø34 mm. Highlighted aiming...
Thermal lmaging Sight Thermal Clip-on Application SECURITY Thermal Security Cameras Thermography Cameras Thermal Cores NEWS/BLOGS Outdoor Security SUPPORT Outdoor Security TEL +86-15088703630 Email Sales: Support: Official Facebook Group © 20...
THUNDER 3.0 is an innovative thermal clip-on with LRF module in lens and HIKMICRO Shutterless Image System
The Nightseer clip-on simply mounts in front of your own standard day optical sight, allows the user to maintain consistent eye relief and shooting position, and because the user views his own day scope's reticle which he familiar with, no training is required.Features...
Shop Now FEATURED PRODUCT Sidekick 320 Mini Thermal Monocular $1,999.00 Watchman IR Illuminator $199.00 PVS-14 Gen 3 Bravo Night Vision Monocular w/ 3x Lens $3,999.00 Jockey 640 Compact Thermal Clip-On $3,499.00 NEW PRODUCTS Contractor 320 Lite 2-8x25 Thermal Weapon Sight ...
Shop Now FEATURED PRODUCT Sidekick 320 Mini Thermal Monocular $1,999.00 Watchman IR Illuminator $199.00 PVS-14 Gen 3 Bravo Night Vision Monocular w/ 3x Lens $3,999.00 Jockey 640 Compact Thermal Clip-On $3,499.00 NEW PRODUCTS Contractor 320 Lite 2-8x25 Thermal Weapon Sight ...
visual modality,visual sense,vision,sight- the ability to see; the visual faculty Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: night vi·sion ...