Is he a pet?Tom walked to the supermarket with his mum. There was a rat in front of him. He said to his mum, "Mum, look at the rat. Can I keep him?" "Oh no! My dear son. You have no time to take care of(照料) it. You have to feed it every day."There was a kitten...
THERE was a rat in [ ... ]Richard Arnold
It's the Chinese New Year. There's a rat,an ox, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, a dog and a pig. Each of them wants the New Year to be named after itself. The Jade Emperor decides to have a swimming race across a wide river...
欢迎收听电子音频内容《06 There is a rat! 有老鼠!》,你可以在线听书也可以下载喜马拉雅APP播放,想收听更多更优质的有声读物小说故事音乐作品,就来喜马拉雅!
1. I smell a rat. 我觉得不对劲。2. There was something wrong with all of them.他们所有人都不太对头。3. It's odd that nobody told me about this before.真奇怪,之前没人跟过说过这事。4. That's queer indeed!实在太诡异了!5. There's something fishy going on here.这里面有些事不太...
After the meal,the mouse tried to get out of the basket,but she couldn't get out.She was too fat to pass through the hole.She said to herself, "How can I get out of the basket?" Just then,a rat(大老鼠) came along.The rat asked her what had happened.After the rat knew about...
"Mouse," said the rat. "If you want to climb out of the basket,you must wait till you are as thin a: you were when you went in."( ) 1. The mouse was very thin because . A. she couldn't find food to eat B. she couldn't go into the basket ...
通读全文尤其Just then,a rat(大老鼠) came along.The rat asked her what had happened.After the rat knew about her problem,he felt sorry for her.He wanted to save the mouse,but he could do nothing.He said to the mouse,"Well,if you want to get out of the basket,you must wait till ...
If there were a rat-catcher, wouldn't it catch Rat-Man? Just because I didn't express myself well doesn't mean my underlying point was invalid! You bloviating buffoon.pathetic 令人同情的,可怜的,可悲的→ 来自拉丁语patheticus,来自希腊语pathein,忍受,遭受,词源同passion,pathos.引申词义同感的,...
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