there was a problem with your steam installation,please reinstall steam. 解决办法:下载Imagehlp.dll文件并放在steam文件夹下 附下载网址:http://www.telecharger-dll.fr/dll-IMAGEHLP.dll.html 点红色按钮就可以直接下载了(可能需要魔法
steam error怎么解决? 点开STEAM显示”There was a problem with your steam installation Please reinstall steam"求解决办法!!! 打开STEAM的安装文则缺件 然后点修复 不要卸载重新安装。一、在防火墙中添加信任项,把steam添加进去。操作:控制版面——windows 防火墙
因为近期工单增量巨大,为了减少“验证账户所有权出现一个问题”方面的问题我们恳请R6S团队在贴吧向玩家们发表关于此问题的解释。具体问题及原因如下:(Uplay客户端显示)问题:验证此产品所有权发生一个问题(There was a problemauthenticating the ownership of this product)…问题产生的原因:你在Steam启动游戏时登陆其他的...
文件夹损坏..这个文件夹损坏了咋办啊 有影响吗 刚开始是Steam更新后进不去 说安装有问题重新安装 然后我以管理员身份运行进来了 然后就发现这个文件夹损坏了最开始提示there was a problem with your steam installation please reinstall steam 然后我管理员方式进来了
If you land in the wrong EA account, or you get an error, that points to a problem with your EA account or the link between the two. The other player's approach was to add Sims 4 to their EA account and play only using EA rather than Steam. This is fine if ...
For the past few days when I try to open The Sims 4, I've been constantly met with a "There is a problem with your game setup. Please reinstall your game" message. At first, nothing would happen when I tried to the program, the EA App would just say that it's preparing ...
手机steam同样的情况 There was a problem communicating with the Steam servers. Please try again later. 来自iPhone客户端2楼2018-10-29 13:33 回复(2) gupeng1234562 免费入坑 2 对呀则么回事,我今天刚遇到则么解决的 来自Android客户端3楼2020-03-02 15:06 回复 ...
开了加速器一样不行There was a problem communicating with the Steam servers. Please try again later. 来自iPhone客户端6楼2018-10-29 13:37 回复 UN_resh 初闻蒸汽 1 我也是这样,有解决方法,也帮帮我 来自手机贴吧7楼2018-10-29 17:39 回复 ...