Surely they will say of Me, ‘In the LORD alone are righteousness and strength.’” All who rage against Him will come to Him and be put to shame. / In the LORD all descendants of Israel will be justified and will exult. Treasury of Scripture Even the righteousness of God which is ...
. .--The true meaning of the words is well embodied in the well-known patristic axiom, Ubi tres, ibi Ecclesia ("Where three are there is a church"). The strength of the Christian society was not to be measured by a numerical standard, but by its fulfilment of the true conditions of...
And if the answer is yes, OWN IT! That’s freedom. Ask God to forgive you, ask the one(s) you hurt to forgive you. Turn from that “villain-hood,” realize the strength in the humility of that confession, and then pray that next time there’s a story in your life that leads ...
“I believe she has the best capacity to bridge the fracture in the party. And there is fracture.” There is fracture, to be sure. In the closing days, as the mood of many Democrats I met shifted slightly from electability to party unity—meaning unity between the Sanders camp and everyo...
Living Bible 55Say there! Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink—even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine and milk—it’s all free!2Why spend your money on food that doesn’t give you strength? Why pay for groceries that do you no good? Listen and I’ll tell you ...
If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” Even if we have very little of material items to give someone, we can give the greatest ...
DEUTERONOMY Joshua Kim Key Verse : “ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” (6:5) Equipping for Impact Meditating in the Scriptures. Resolve to come to a definite or earnest decision about; determine (to do something)
Random Quote A deranged person is supposed to have the strength of ten men.I have the strength of one small boy… with polio. — Kleinman, Woody Allen Next quote »Categories Health, Fitness & Nutrition Music Random Blather Religiosity and Philosophizing ...
The Islamic State is a lot more than a bunch of religious extremists. Its diverse composition as well as its friends and enemies in the region define its strength and its vulnerabilities. Its dependence on outside resources, its proximity to countries with the capacity and incentive to strike ...
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