Treasury of Scripture And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which works all in all. worketh. 1 Corinthians 12:11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. 1 Corinthians 3:7 So then neither is he that...
since there is only one God, who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith. Treasury of Scripture For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) that. Deuteronomy 10:17 For the...
Scripture Reflection January 12, 2025 by Paul Chu and V. J. Tarantino The Waters of the Font One of the things we do here at Sacred Beauty, our small Association of the Faithful, is the composing of liturgical music, drawn largely from sacred texts of the saints, fathers, and doctors...
“We are each free to believe what we want, and it’s my view that the simplest explanation is; there is no God. No one created our universe, and no one directs our fate. This leads me to a profound realization that there probably is no heaven and no afterlife either. We have this...
Dull Knife was a leader of the Cheyenne, this is the sad story of the last years of his leadership, and a reminder of what followed. It’s one of the many tragedies that go to make up the history of the USA, worth remembering as we head in to Thanksgiving, and Native American Heri...
24 Before the coming of Jesus, John preached repentance and baptism to all the people of Israel. 25 As John was completing his work, he said: ‘Who do you suppose I am? I am not the one you are looking for. But there is one coming after me whose sandals I am not worthy to untie...
15, 1832: “With the admonition of the apostle that ‘there is one God, one faith, one baptism’ (Eph. 4:5) may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever. They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that ...
10 There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of what was called the Italian [a]Regiment, 2 a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, who gave [b]alms generously to the people, and prayed to God always. 3 About [c]the ninth hour of the ...
Tomorrow is it. Which means, with all of the Christmas joy and carols and lighting of candles, still the Gospel must be preached. It’s not for nostalgia sake that we are gathering, but for Jesus. Folks need to know that there is an answer to their deepest needs. Jesus is the One ...
We need to learn to fly. Patrick Overton once said,“when you have come to the edge of all you know and you are about to drop off into the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught how to fly.”Eat...