起因:线上的异常报警系统偶尔会出现 “There is no active transaction” 的异常信息线上有一些业务代码偶尔会抛出事务提交失败,经过排查之后,锁定问题点如下,虽然可以从业务从避免,但是还是想知道一下原因。数据库需要是 Polardb(mysql 没有问题) 需要是新连接 事务开启之后只有读的操作 然后就提交 OR 回滚 少量读...
如题:ThinkPHP v3.2.3 数据库读写分离,开启事务时报错: ERR: There is no active transaction 刚开始以为是数据表引擎不对造成的,因为 有几张表的引擎是 MyISAM,后来调整过来了,改为 InnoDB,还是报错。应该是TP 底层连数据库时,切换数据库连接时出了点问题,解决方案如下: 打开文件ThinkPHP/Library/Think/Db/...
ERR: There is no active transaction 刚开始以为是数据表引擎不对造成的,因为 有几张表的引擎是 MyISAM,后来调整过来了,改为 InnoDB,还是报错。应该是TP 底层连数据库时,切换数据库连接时出了点问题,解决方案如下: 打开文件 ThinkPHP/Library/Think/Db/Driver.class.php,调整内容如下: /** * 启动事务 * *...
thrownew\Exception('操作失败'); }catch(\Exception$e) { $uModel->rollback(); var_dump($e->getMessage()); } 提示信息: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 There is no active transaction FILE:/datas/www/fxk/ThinkPHP/Library/Think/Db/Driver.class.php(323) #0 /datas/www/fxk/ThinkPHP...
"failed to start this transaction, as there is an active transaction at the moment" 这条错误消息表明,在尝试启动一个新的事务时,系统检测到一个事务当前正处于活跃状态。在许多数据库管理系统(如SQL Server, PostgreSQL等)或事务性系统中,同一时间只能有一个事务处于活动状态。 可能导致该错误的原因 事务未正...
cannot change the executortype when there is an existing transaction 当存在事务时,不能更改执行器类型。
ThinkPHP v3.2.3 数据库读写分离,开启事务时报错:There is no active transaction 2016-11-22 14:34 −... 52php 0 8914 There is no PasswordEncoder mapped for the id "null" 2019-12-22 19:40 −因为Spring-Security从4+升级到5+,导致There is no PasswordEncoder mapped for the id “null”错...
This is related to yiisoft/yii2#18406 As of PHP 8, PDO::commit() and rollBack() will throw a There is no active transaction PDOException if the transaction had been autocommitted, as MySQL will do whenever a schema change is made. Previo...
php8 在事务中使用db()->execute() 执行sql 时报错 “There is no active transaction”添加内容时,在模型中使用了事件,事件的内容是添加内容的同时创建一张表环境(请详细说明一下你的运行环境)操作系统(Linux/Windows/Other):macos Web Server(NGINX/Apache/Other):nginx PHP 版本(7.2/7.3/7.4/8.0/8.1/8.2/...
There is no check transaction type setup. Upload Aborted. Cause This problem occurs if theTransaction Codefield is specified in the bank format, and if no corresponding code is specified for the check transaction type. Resolution To resolve this problem, follow these steps: ...