1、首先在Ubuntu的桌面,点击右键,选择打开终端。2、在终端中,输入:sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev,然后点击回车。3、这里需要输入一个root密码,输入自己的密码按回车。4、这个时候,会开始安装QT4的库,出现如图示界面时,直接回车即可。5、然后再打开QT的时候,点击运行自己的程序。6、会发现,...
error : There‘s no Qt version assigned to project QtGuiWen.vcxproj for configuration Debug/x64. Plea,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
If you right-click on the project there should be a "Qt Project Settings" option (or similar - I use the german version) near the end of the context menu. In there you can set the Qt version that this specific project uses. Is this one possibly not set correctly?
There‘s no Qt version assigned to project ZmUkeAgora.vcxproj for configuration Release/Win32. Please,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
然后上传到Google Play,结果提示 You need to use a different version code for your AP... 猫叔Vincent 0 852 There is no PasswordEncoder mapped for the id "null" 2019-12-22 19:40 − 因为Spring-Security从4+升级到5+,导致There is no PasswordEncoder mapped for the id “null”错误。
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Paste Traceback/Error Below (if applicable) PASTE TRACEBACK HERE Versions Spyder version: Python version: Qt version: PyQt version: Operating System name/version: Dependencies PASTE DEPENDENCIES HERE mi44164 changed the title there are no ...
Thanks What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I expected to find Spyder.app, but I did not. Spyder version: 5.4.3 Python version: 3.11.4 64-bit Qt version: 5.15.2 PyQt version: 5 5.15.7 Operating System name/version: Darwin 20.6.0...
M'għadniex naġġornaw dan il-kontenut regolarment. Iċċekkja ċ-Ċiklu tal-Ħajja tal-Prodott ta’ Microsoftgħal informazzjoni dwar kif jiġi appoġġjat dan il-prodott, is-servizz, it-teknoloġija, jew l-API....
The machine is being recognized as Unknown Computer and get the "(x64)Unknown Computer" GUID. Just not picking up any Policies. So I Googled a bit on this problem and found this Query for checking corrupted Policy. I can't seems to find any match.....
In Professor Karen Bakker's new book,The Sounds of Life:How Digital Technology Is Bringing Us Closer to the Worlds of Animals and Plants,she talks about how AI is helping us to make an animal version(版本) of Google Translate. All around the animal kingdom(王国),t...