币界网消息,2 月 9 日,以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 发布推文称,「感谢过去几周里所有给予善意支持的人。」其推文所带图片中配有「THERE IS NO MEME&I LOVE YOU」字样。...
#thereisnomeme# 🏐🫐💯“听说你们学校有个人很可怕啊…” (很神奇地更到了第4期,图源Pinterest) 上回指路👉🏻 http://t.cn/A6KTLJnx #排球少年[超话]##meme##排球少年##影山飞雄#
#thereisnomeme# (没忍住又翻了18张) ——kgym是好得不得了与完美!这里没有什么梗图,只有浓度100%的蓝莓夸夸🫐 图源Pinterest,前回指路👉🏻 http://t.cn/A6KCo5qy #排球少年[超话]##排球少年##影山飞雄#
马斯克喊单前的Milady:亚到极致的「网络精神病人」 5月 10 日,马斯克突然的一条「There is no meme, I love you」推文,让 Milady 的地板价在一小时内从 3.75 ETH 暴涨至超过 7 ETH。 「There is no meme, I love you」 马斯克「喊单」后 Milady 的快速上涨 市场的目光又一次聚焦到了这个在 2021 年就...
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It’s not just a dumb meme—or perhaps it’s the dumbest meme of all. Either way, it’s worth your attention. As a whole, There Is No Game is a specific kind of experience that I think video games do better than any other: an offbeat passion project made to fit the tastes...
"In response to recent rumors alleging criminal activity by the immigrant population in our city, we wish to clarify that there have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community," said Karen Graves, strategic en...
大家可以叫我“黄豆”额…QQ名就是你们先在看到的B站名但毕竟我们是两个入嘛,所以视频风格会胡乱变,还请见谅我们平时会画一些meme超赞写真,尽在星流AI,无限可能! 星流AI>> there is no game (3/3) 自动连播 399播放 简介 订阅合集 there is no game第一章 26:30 there is no game第二章 26:19 ...
An antimeme is an idea with self-censoring properties; an idea which, by its intrinsic nature, discourages or prevents people from spreading it. Antimemes are real. Think of any piece of information which you wouldn't share with anybody, like passwords, taboos and dirty secrets. Or any pie...
我查到的meme解释原文如下: It’s a trap! is a line from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. The character Admiral Ackbar (Erik Bauersfeld), while engaging an ambush on an enemy weapon, is informed that enemy ships have arrived. Realizing that the enemy army must be aware of thei...