而最近龙魂发现了一款剧情通俗,玩法简单却设计得非常精巧的解谜游戏,或者说和它的名字那般:There Is No Game(这里没有游戏~)。相信很多小伙伴更为熟悉的应该是《There is no game: Wrong Dimension》,即今年8月份发布的《这里没有游戏:错误维度》(下文用《错误维度》指代~)。但是事实上这个游戏有一个前身...
他甚至还在里面吐槽免费氪金游戏和网游,“free2play游戏让人生不如死”、“全球联网游戏有什么gameplay”,真是过瘾。这40块钱就算当成听单口相声的门票,份量也是足足的。《There is no game》是在一个游戏比赛上从获奖demo里扩充而来,steam上可以找到它的原版,免费,虽然只有十几分钟,但是依然让人拍案叫绝。(据说,...
There Is No Game : Wrong Dimension :这款游戏是我今年玩过的所有新游戏中,最有趣,游戏元素最丰富的作品。游戏将gameplay进行变化,将一个惹人生厌的game(旁白)和玩家捆绑在一起,经过了一个个游戏的冒险,最终彼此联系交互,从there is no game到love game,讲述了一个虚拟与现实结合,信任与爱想伴的故事。游戏...
A charming game with a unique gameplay idea User Rating: 8 | There Is No Game: WD IOS By ivory_soul | Review Date: April 8, 2024 Have you ever wondered what it's like to play a game as the actual code or program inside the game? Well, now you can! TING is a game in which ...
"There is no game: Wrong dimension" is a Point&Click comedy adventure (and Point&Click only!) that will take you on a journey you never asked to go on, through silly and unexpected video game...
This is the original and complete There is No Game, which was first released in 2015. However, there is a newer release known as There is No Game: Wrong Dimension which came out in 2020 on console and PC. How do I crack the nut in There is No Game?
之后在game一直想念的女角色gg(global gameplay,全局玩法)出现后剧情突然急转直下,那一段gg的深情演唱,到两人的交流,再到game失去了gg后用悲伤的语气重复游戏最开始的开场白,情绪低落的劝用户退出游戏,最后甚至骗用户删除存档,很具象的展现了独立游戏作者因为没钱而不得不放弃梦想,卖掉游戏。这一段的煽情效果真的很...
"There is no game: Wrong dimension" 是一款点击类喜剧冒险游戏,带你游历荒唐且意想不到的视频游戏宇宙,而这样的行程你从未自告奋勇参与过。 你能够和“游戏”一起玩、找到回家的路吗? 我们真诚地认为不能。 -一款点击类喜剧冒险游戏。无需控制器即可玩。 -惊艳
《这里没有游戏:错误维度(There Is No Game : Wrong Dimension)》是一款点击指向类欢乐喜剧休闲游戏...