《Ting》的开发者Pascal Cammisotto(KaMiZoTo)在demo获奖后在Kickstarter上发起众筹,希望筹集到三万多美金将《Ting》开发完整,但最终的结局是只筹集到了四千多美金。 众筹失败对KaMiZoTo的影响之深,在游戏里也能看见:“游戏”说自己曾被抛弃,最终章里游戏开发者的邮箱也有朋友对他众筹失败的安慰信...但是KaMiZoTo坚持...
作者在PC端众筹出了一款续作《这儿没游戏:错误的维度》 众筹页面https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/482263430/there-is-no-game-wrong-dimension 豆瓣页面https://www.douban.com/game/35172076/ steam上可以买到。开头跟这一作差不多,后面就是旁白叔带着玩家穿越数个游戏世界,智斗故障先生。玩了不少梗,还是...
Websites Kickstarter page Official Twitter Steam product page Discord server Opinions about this game0 ✚ No opinions yet Game scores Your Score Rate this game Users This game has less than 10 user scores, the data is hidden for now Genres and descriptors RPG Action RPG Perspective To...
Andromeda Project 正在 Kickstarter 上為 NECROCOSMOS - There is no god up here 籌款! Videogame inspired by old Metroid games. Openworld game, Sci-Fi Action Metroidvania,Hardcore Retro Style Adventure Pc PS4 XBOX Switch
2020年,这款完整版游戏终于正式上线,定名为There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension。 这款游戏的序章与免费demo很相似,要想将“游戏”进行下去,你绝不能听从“游戏”的命令,而是一定要反其道行之。当然,有些时候他的碎碎念中刚好又有解开下一个谜题的关键提示。在一通捣乱之后,你终于启动游戏,却惊讶地发现,游戏...
There is little information about this upcoming Kickstarter, but it looks interesting. I'm not into coop games, but fantasy/rpg sounds good to me. I'll definitely keep an eye on it. Dorfromantik It was so tempting ... just sitting down, watching the buzz. But I had serious business to...
This was published in 2020 via a successful Kickstarter and this is the first time they have been offered as part of the Flying Buffalo line! Its an all new game, but still compatible with T&T. It’s a must-have for any T&T fan. You also get everything else shown below!
White Cherry Games collecte des fonds sur Kickstarter pour son projet FAMILY PLOT In Family Plot, each Player strives to build their perfect family while keeping other Players from killing them off one by one!
You're now looking to create an early access build of The Wayward Realms with the funds from the Kickstarter. How long do you expect it to take before this build can go live in early access following the end of the campaign? Our aim is for an early access release sometime in...
Grumpy Spider Games 正在 Kickstarter 上為 Rucksack - The Party Game of Extreme Survival 籌款! Use nothing but your wits and 5 everyday items to become the ultimate survivalist!