1. 《There is no Frigate like a Book》原文 There is no Frigate like a Book To take us Lands away Nor any Coursers like a Page Of prancing Poetry — This Traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of Toll — How frugal is the Chariot That bears the Human Soul — 2. 《没有像书...
Emily Dickinson 佚 名(译)There is no Frigate like a Book To take us Lands away Nor any Coursers like a Page Of prancing Poetry—This Traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of Toll—How frugal is the Chariot That bears the Human Soul—没有一艘船能像一本书也没有一匹骏马能像一...
必应词典为您提供there-is-no-frigate-like-a-book的释义,网络释义: 没有哪艘快船能如书本;没有一艘快艇比得上一本书;没有哪艘帆船像书一样;
There is no Frigate like a Book By Emily Dickinson Reciter:Mark Zhao | Actor There is no Frigate like a Book To take us Lands away Nor any Coursers like a Page Of prancing Poetry This Traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of Toll How...
(Whitman)并称为美国诗歌史上的两位巨 擘,开创了美国诗歌的新纪元.狄更生诗风独特,以文字细腻,观察敏锐,意象突出著称.其诗作一般采用教会赞美诗的格律:每节四句,第一,三句八音节,第二,四句六音节,第二,四句押韵.这首《无舟如书》(ThereIsNoFrigatelikeaBook)便是典型.诗的主题是读书:一本好书就像轻 舟,带...
“There is no frigate like a book”是一首脍炙人口的诗歌,作者是美国著名女诗人艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)。艾米莉·狄金森生活在19世纪美国,她的诗歌作品以独特的审美观和深刻的哲理思考著称。这首诗歌通过对书籍的赞美,表达了诗人对知识的渴望和追求。 【诗歌内容概述】 诗歌开篇即提出“There is no frigat...
没有一艘舰艇象一本书 By Emily Dickinson 艾米莉.狄金森 There is no Frigate like a Book 世上无如书册之轻舟 To take us Lands away 载人往异乡远方 Nor any Coursers like a Page 世上亦无如书页之骏马 Of prancing Poetry – 似诗行律动飞扬 This Traverse may the poorest take 赤贫之人踏...
《There is no Frigate like a Book》 By Emily Dickinson 译/余光中 There is no Frigate like a Book To take us Lands away 沒有大帆船能像一卷书,将我们送到异乡 Nor any Coursers like a Page Of prancin...
There is nofrigatelike a book ——Emily Dickinson There is no frigate like a book To take us lands away, Nor any coursers like a page Ofprancingpoetry. This traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of toll; How frugal is thechariot That bears a human soul! 参考译文 有哪艘帆船像...
There is no frigate like a book 没有一艘帆船能像书籍一样 To take us lands away, 带着我们去远航, Nor any coursers like a page 没有一匹骏马能像书页一样 Of prancing poetry. 腾跃于诗歌上。 This traverse may the poorest take 最贫困的人也能穿过旅程 Without oppress of toll; 不会有被收路费...