尼采的“There are no facts, only interpretations.”如何理解?#芝士热亿点##金句分享# http://t.cn/A6W5uzXj
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. 这句话的就留给大家来翻译,可以和尼采那句话放在一起看。 “There are no facts, only interpretations.”这句话给我们最大的...
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. 这句话的就留给大家来翻译,可以和尼采那句话放在一起看。 “There are no facts, only interpretations.”这句话给我们最大的启示恐怕是八个字:未知全貌,不予置评,越是舆论滔天的时候,越要冷静,不要...
DOUBLEEDITORIAL ‘Therearenofacts,onlyinterpretations’ DavidR.HolmesJr 1 * andRobertD.BrownJr 2 1 DepartmentofCardiologyand 2 DepartmentofNeurology,MayoClinic,200FirstSt.S.W,Rochester,MN55905,USA Thiseditorialrefersto‘Long-termresultsofarandomized trialcomparingthreedifferentdevicesforpercutaneous closure...
There are no facts, only interpretations. Friedrich Nietzsche There are no facts, only interpretations. Facts Quotations by Friedrich Nietzsche
My concerns with regard to sports medicine and its future is the discrepancy between the sophistication and quality and detail of the investigations available to us, and their interpretation. The investigations can be sub divided into two broad categories: those that study structure, which are ...
内容提示: DOUBLE EDITORIAL‘There are no facts, only interpretations’David R. Holmes Jr 1 * and Robert D. Brown Jr 21 Department of Cardiology and 2 Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St. S.W, Rochester, MN 55905, USAThis editorial refers to ‘Long-term results of a ...
An Ambient and Rock song that uses Acoustic Drums and Electric Bass to emote its Contemplative and Serious moods. License There Are No Facts, Only Interpretations by Sleeping Horses
There are no facts, only interpretations. 历史没有真相,只有诠释。//@科学未来人: //@郝一菲:多数人们只是选择了意淫中愿意相信的答案,从而放弃了对一个人最根本的尊重【转发】@秦思源Colin:我很少吐槽,可...
There are no facts, only interpretations. - Friedrich Nietzsche. The truth I think that validates everything you have to say.