There be 句型没有语态形式, 但是却有比较复杂的时态形式, 以及可以表达不同的情态语境,请看下面的例句: There will be a class meeting this afternoon. (一般将来时) 今天下午有班会。 There was a football match in our school yesterday. (一般过去时) 昨天我们学校有一场足球赛。 There have been great...
There had been为过去完成时。例句:there had been many people missing.很多人都已经不见了。there has been many people missing.很多人都不见了。 2there have been例句 1、There has been a sign. 2、There has been fighting, sir. 3、There has been tremendous declines in fertility. 4、There has ...
例句:"there have been many people missing." 意为 "很多人都已经不见了"。在 "there have been" 句型中,"have been" 是现在完成时的典型形式,适用于主语是复数或第三人称单数。例如:"there has been many people missing." 可以表达为 "很多人都不见了"。对比之下,"there had been" 是...
单数主语:必须使用“has been”,如 There has been an accident(发生了一起事故)。 复数主语:需改用“there have been”,如 There have been many changes(发生了许多变化)。 时间状语的搭配 明确时间范围时,需添加“since + 时间点”或“for + 时间段”,例如: There has b...
例句: There have been many changes in our city since I was a child. 自从我小时候起,我们的城市发生了很多变化。 There have been a lot of accidents on this road over the past few years. 过去几年里,这条路上发生了很多事故。 二、There have been的用法 ...
有,"there have"是英语中的一个句型,通常表示某个地方有某物或某人。这种句型通常用于口语和书面语中,有时也可以简化成"There's"。以下是一些例句: There have been many changes in this city over the years.(这座城市在这些年里发生了很多变化。) There have always been rumors about their relationship....
其句型结构为:there + has/have + been + 主语 + (时间/地点/状态/动作等)。 这个句型常用于讨论一些长期的、持续的、未完成的事情或状态。有时也可用于描述过去发生的事情对现在的影响或结果。下面是一些常用的there has been句型: 除了上述例句中的基本形式,there has been句型还可用于表达其他的含义。例如...
2there have been句型的例句 1、There have been calls to ban Barbie in one American state,as well as Russia,Saudi Arabia and Iran. 美国的一个州,还有俄罗斯、沙特阿拉伯和伊朗,都曾经有过禁绝芭比的呼声。 1、There have been some problems but basically it's a good system. ...
There be 结构中的时态主要从be动词上体现。一般现在时:thereis/ are一般过去时:there was/ were一般将来时:there will be过去将来时:there would be现在完成时:there has/ have been过去完成时:there had been 句型转换 肯定句变否定句There be句型变成否定句:在be后加not;或主语前加no,此时的no相当于...