I can almost imagine the immense difficulty Bilbo and Frodo faced when they were trying to compile the red book. And instead of the writerblock of those who create fantasy based on their bleak daily life, they face another sort of obstacle in their writing. They have gone through so many ...
There and Never Back Again——To Frodo BagginsRotK的花絮里,Lij的最后一场戏被翻来覆去拍了无数无数次,最后PJ终于叫停,两人抱在一起哭泣。我太能理解PJ,总有些人是特别的,总有些东西是仪式一样的存在,一旦完成就象征着某种结束。PJ对Lij说,你是最好的,最棒的。我无意夸大某个个体的重要性,也绝不愿...
In 2004 we were living in San Francisco, and I was volunteering at the SF SPCA, when I came across a little black kitten named Gimli. One of a litter of kittens names after LoTR characters, Gimi (as we called him) was the least healthy of his siblings and spent a lot of his first...
Daniel Craig’s Bond era was characterized as more rough-and-tumble than previous outings. Where his Bond predecessors got out of sticky situations by being suave and sly, Craig’s 007 routinely got pretty beat up. And so did Craig himself, who had his share of on-set injuries filming var...
They would likely expect that most of the journey back to Nashkel would be still be in daylight. Anyway, I figured they wouldn't realize how far from Nashkel they actually were (and also how lost they would be). So I did not put it up for a vote.][Does the group think to...
Actually I have some time off between Christmas and New Year's, so maybe I'll just try to finish it up. I'll see. But I also have the LotR and Hobbit film trilogies in 4K HDR 10+ w/ Dolby atmos to take in as well. ? Lemernis Posts: 4,318 December 2020 edited Decem...
It was also often assumed that though the idea of many Balrogs had "endured long" it must have been discarded prior to the writing of LotR. In fact, the Balrog hosts persisted even after the completion of The Lord of the Rings. They can still be found in the Grey Annals and Annals ...
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