Fun group therapy activities allow patients to forget about their own problems. Apart from this, such activities also give them a chance to interact with other people, and realize that they are not the only ones with problems. When the members of the group share their experiences, they are a...
This is a simple art therapy activity to execute. There are many ways to do a self portrait. For this instance, we will leave it as wide-open as possible.
B. House-Tree-Person and family drawing (great ice-breaker AND assessment tool) C. Child Centered Play D. Introduce Leaving Ritual (I use my3 Transition Jars) In the next several meetings with the child, I may stick with child-centered play therapy or use directive activities. If using dir...
Adaptations to Grocke et al.’s intervention [33] included group members sharing pre-known songs in the early phases of the group; group improvisation after ice-breaker activities and before working on songs; and building time for the group to decide what they would like their end product to...