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Kimberley Quinlan provides Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Eating Disorders, Anxiety and Panic.
Compulsive or excessive exercising (spending hours at the gym each day) Self-harm or suicidal thoughts or behaviors Bulimia Nervosa Bulimia is another common eating disorder that is characterized by a cycle of binge eating and compensatory behaviors designed to undo the binge. During a binge, a ...
Zilbergeld, B. (1980). Alternatives to couples counseling for sex problems: Group and individual therapy: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy Vol 6(1) Spr 1980, 3-18. Zimmerman, J. L., & Dickerson, V. C. (1993). Bringing forth the restraining influence of pattern in couples therapy. Ne...
A 20-yr old female university student was treated for compulsive binge-eating with subsequent vomiting that occured nearly every day. A variety of behavioral procedures, including construction of alternative response, stimulus control, response delay and individualized assertiveness training resulted in a ...
is designed for individuals that identify as male who have concerns about their sexual behavior or suffer from some form of compulsive sexual behavior (i.e. porn, masturbation, strip clubs, escorts, etc.). Each week different topics will be focused on. For exampleobstacles and coping skills.....
The behaviour of binge eating, or compulsive eating, i.e. consuming large quantities of food in short periods and beyond the point of subjective hunger, has been reported in obese individuals (e.g. Stunkard 1959; Marcus et al. 1985), in anorexic patients (e.g. Beumont et al. 1976; ...
In the study published inCognitive Behavior Therapy, a team of researchers from Columbia University examined the effects of exposure and response prevention in 56 patients diagnosed with both obsessive-compulsive disorder and an eating disorder. In addition to the normal ERP approach developed for ...
eating disorders; self esteem and body image difficulties, sedentary lifestyle; compulsive exercise; sleep apnoea; sexually transmitted infections (STI); prostate disorders; cardiovascular problems; surgical interventions to rectify congenital or other abnormalities of the genitals which may underpin sexual ...
If you have noticed that you tend to turn to food as a source of comfort when experiencing negative emotions, you may be relying on emotional eating.