Search by name, city or zip and we will display the best therapists in your locale from our list.Connect Found therapists that seem right for you? Great! You can connect with them directly on their profile page. Get to know them better by reading their advisory articles. Contact them and...
Specializes in ADHD and developmental disabilities, certified in Thanatology and fluent in Hebrew and Spanish. In practice since 2005. Associated with Las Vegas' Desert Regional Center as an Independent Contractor since 1992. Took our therapist seminar. Contact: 702 332-3805. Susan Tschudi, MA. ...
Contemporary increases in chronic- and terminal- diagnoses among adults creates a demand for medical family therapists (MedFTs) to better-assist ill parents in preparing for and facilitating conversations with children. MedFTs must have skills, knowledge, and training in assessing when help is needed...