I’ve also written a comic novel about a psychotherapist who falls in love with a blue alien from outer space. I guarantee pure reading pleasure:Bad Therapist: A Romance Posted inCurrent Events,Interviews| TaggedCOVID-19,isolation,Lawline,lawyers,pandemic,working remotely|Leave a Comment » ...
COVID-19 Statement:Due to Covid-19, we have transitioned to allVirtual Counseling Services. We have made the choice to protect the health and wellness of both staff and clients by transitioning to all virtual counseling services for the time being. While this is a change for many counselors...
Background/Aims: Remote service delivery became a key method of providing therapy for psychological oncology services during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. This study aimed to understand the experiences and preferences of both patients and therapists who undertook remote psychologi...
While traditionally, therapy is thought of as a therapist and client sitting across from each other on the therapist’s couch, there’s no reason it has to take place in person. Currently, COVID-19 is forcing almost all interactions online, but there are other reasons to consider making it...
In-Person inEncino, CA In-Person inLos Angeles, CA Online inCalifornia Are you facing COVID Isolation, Stress, Anxiety or Depression?? You are not alone. I can help. Your mental health is important to me. I am offering all of my services online during stay-at-home orders. You do not...
An estimated one billion people worldwide were living with anxiety and depression pre-COVID - 82% of them in low- and middle-income countries, according to the World Health Organisation. The pandemic increased that number by about 27%, the WHO estimates. ...
We are celebrating the specialized skills of respiratory therapists and spotlighting the vital role you play every day. Together, we continue to overcome the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, but the need for more respiratory therapists will keep rising for years to come. Powerful stories from...
Posted inCurrent Events,Interviews, taggedCOVID-19,isolation,Lawline,lawyers,pandemic,working remotelyon April 6, 2020|Leave a Comment » It came as a bit of a relief, in these troubled times, to sit down for an hour with my old friend Sarah Mills, from Lawline, and record a webinar...
I've heard a lot of people say about COVID, “We had an opportunity to pause and think about what we wanted to do and how we wanted to move forward.” And I'm like, not one of my colleagues in this mental health and performance space had time to pause. I feel like all ...
Before Covid lock-down, I facilitated two weekly drama therapy groups at Pacifica Treatment Centre, working as part of a team with addiction councillors and other art therapists. Qi Gong was part of the warm up I facilitated in my drama groups. I was happy to discover that many of my rec...