alc0144@auburn.eduRobert J. ReeseAlyssa L. Clements-Hickmanalc0144@auburn.eduRobert J. ReeseAlyssa L. Clements-Hickmanalc0144@auburn.eduRobert J. ReeseAlyssa L.
Dr. Kirkland's journey in psychology began at Auburn University, where he graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. His pursuit of excellence led him to the University of Mississippi, where he earned his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 2011. This rigorous academic found...
When counseling-self-efficacy was removed from the model, professional self-doubt was no longer marginally significant. Conclusion: The findings highlight the complexity of therapist effects and the need for future research on this topic.Alyssa L. Clements-Hickmanalc0144@auburn.eduRobert J. Reese...