This particular production method causes therapeutic hosiery items, particularly in the case of women's stockings, to be aesthetically very different from other kinds of hosiery item. For this reason, currently commercially available therapeutic hosiery items generally are not seen favorably by users, ...
THERAPEUTIC SOCK FOR DIABETICS 优质文献 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献A Randomized Clinical Trial of the Insulin Pump vs Intensive Conventional Therapy in Diabetic Pregnancies Improved perinatal outcome is associated with the prevention of hyperglycemia during pregnancy in diabetic women. To determine whether th...
The combination shoe last (mold resembling interior shoe shape) provided extra depth in the toe box and extra width across the metatarsal heads. The men's and women's outsoles had a 38-in recess that allowed the insert and foot to drop down into the outsole, providing extra forefoot spac...