Measuring therapeutic relationship in the care of patients with haemophilia: A scoping reviewblood coagulation disorders, inheritedhealth‐care surveyspatient outcome assessmentpatient participationpatient‐reported outcome measuresprofessional‐patient relations...
As “digital phenotyping” and monitoring technologies begin to unleash the potential of data insights for mental health care, we propose here a complementary concept of the “digital therapeutic relationship” to unleash the power of the patient-provider alliance in clinical care. In millions of cli...
This emerging syndrome, known as long COVID, is new and complex in many aspects. This study aims to collect the experiences of people with long COVID with ambulatory healthcare structures. Methods Four focus groups were conducted with a total of 23 adults with long COVID in June and July ...
the evidence base for making recommendations is limited. Nevertheless, there is an urgent need for guidance in clinical practice. When in doubt, clinicians tend to favor more diagnosis and more therapy. This has major implications, firstly regarding healthcare costs, and secondly regarding patient sa...
The therapeutic alliance encompasses the collaborative aspects of the relationship between the therapist and the patient. In this context there is a need to reconceptualize the alliance within the context of digital healthcare as it can enhance engagement, adherence, and the effectiveness of such ...
The relationship between glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid actions should be considered in the management of replacement therapies in CAH. Patients are at risk of life-threatening adrenal crises with hypoglycaemia, most often triggered by infectious illnesses and exacerbated by adrenaline deficiency. Traditi...
Therapeutic communication is essential to meet the patient's physical and psychological needs while establishing the nurse-patient trusting relationship. Clinical outcomes in mental health settings remain poor, with non-therapeutic communication resulting in poor patient outcomes. A leading cause of ...
Cancer, ranked as the second leading cause of mortality worldwide, leads to the death of approximately seven million people annually, establishing itself as one of the most significant health challenges globally. The discovery and identification of new anti-cancer drugs that kill or inactivate cancer...
Bandura (1977) and some of the later behavioral therapies had a more complex relationship with the mind and body, such that they emphasized holistic approaches to therapy, including music therapy, rhythm therapy, imitation, especially for children with autism spectrum disorder (see Leitan & Murphy...
As a consequence, there are already indicators that the AIT leads to a reduction of the public healthcare burden.3, 4 The history of AIT started over a century ago, when Leonard Noon reported the first successful attempt to prevent AR by inoculation of an allergic patient with pollen ...