Each commercial LMWH has been individually developed for specific clinical indications, which are dose and product dependent. Recently, several generic LMWHs have become available in India (Cutenox and Markaparin) and South America (dilutol, clenox, dripanina), and three companies have filed for...
Each commercial LMWH has been individually developed for specific clinical indications, which are dose and product dependent. Recently, several generic LMWHs have become available in India (Cutenox and Markaparin) and South America (dilutol, clenox, dripanina), and three companies have filed for...
COVID-19;warfarin;heparin;coagulopathy 1. Introduction Today, SARS-CoV-2 infection has caused a COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, disrupting our society’s social and economic aspects [1]. There have been more than 2.83 million deaths worldwide. This is a challenging virus with unique transmission ...
In detail, the multimeric design provides NT4 with the ability to bind heparin and receptors belonging to the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) family, which is well known to have a role in cancer biology [48]. Systematically modifying the neurotensin sequence in NT4 peptides led to the...