Ajzen, I. 1991. Theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(1): 179-211.Armitage,Christopher J,Mark Conner.The Theory ofPlanned Behavior,Assessment of Predictive Validity and"Per-ceived Control". British Joumal of Social Psychology . 1999...
The theory of planned behavior (TPB—Ajzen, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1991, 50, 179–211; Ajzen, Handbook of theories of social psychology, 2012, 1, 438–459) has been widely applied to the prediction and change of behavior, including behavior related to the use ...
Fishbein和Ajzen在此基础上,发展出了理性行为理论,进一步强调了行为意向作为决定行为的关键因素,它受到行为态度和主观规范的双重影响。1985年,Ajzen引入知觉行为控制变量,形成了完整的计划行为理论,指出行为意向转化为实际行为需在个体意愿掌控之下。1991年, Ajzen的《计划行为理论》一书,标志着这一理论...
The theory of planned behavior:(计划行为理论) ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES 50, 179-211 (1991) The Theory of Planned Behavior ICEK AJZEN University of Massachusetts at Amherst Research dealing with various aspects of* the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985, 1987) is ...
计划行为理论(theory of planned behavior):计划行为理论是阿泽恩(Ajzen,1991)从理性行为理论发展出来的。理性行动 … news.163.com|基于118个网页 2. 计画行为理论 以计画行为理论(Theory of Planned Behavior)探讨设计工程师分享意向 Related docs © Docstoc® 2011. ...
results support theory predictions, effect sizes were small, particularly for the intention-behavior relationship. Action-control: From cognition to behavior(pp. 11–39). Heidelberg: Springer. Google Scholar Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision ...
Theory of planned behavior From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search In \o Psychology psychology, the theory of planned behavior is a theory about the link between \o Attitude (psychology) attitudes and \o Behavior behavior. It was proposed by \o Icek Ajzen (page ...
后Ajzen(1985)增加了知觉行为控制变量,提出了计划行为理论[3],进一步指出了只有当行为是在意愿控制之下,即如果个体可以随意决定执行或不执行某种行为时[4],行为意向才能转化为行为。Ajzen(1991)发表《计划行为理论》一文[5],计划行为理论正式走向成熟。 理解计划行为理论可以从其三阶段行为分析模型入手(如下图),该...
Thetheory of planned behavior(TPB;Ajzen, 1985, 1987, 1991) was developed from the theory of reasoned action, and is more applicable when the probability of success and actual control over performance of abehaviorare suboptimal. In addition to attitudes and subjective norms which comprise the theor...