Various terms are used to describe Erikson's model, for example, Erikson's biopsychosocial or bio-psycho-social theory (bio refers to biological, which in this context means life); Erikson's human development cycle or life cycle, and variations of these. All refer to the same eight stages ...
摘要!马克思关于人的全面发展学说是马克思主义教育思想的重要组成部分!也是制定社会主义教育方针" 确立社会主义教育目理论基础#在我国社会主义初级阶段!实行社会主义市场经济条件下!研究马克思主 义关于人全面发展学说!无论是对深入准确地理解马克思主义教育思想!还是指导社会主义初级阶段教 育事业都具有积极意义$ 关键词!马克思...
1)theory on human being人论 1.In this sense, Marx stheory on human beingis imbued with the spirit of anti-essentialism.马克思早期所树立的关于人的价值理想是个人所拥有的丰富的资质和禀赋的自由而全面的发展,这一理想所反对的是把具有丰富属性的人变成一种片面的人,在这个意义上,马克思的人论富于反本质...
Theory of Mind, NOA project, Baird, J. A., & Baldwin, D. A. (2001). Making sense of human behavior: Action parsing and intentional inference. In B. F. Malle, L. J. Moses, & D. A. Baldwin (Eds.), Intentions and intentionality: Fou...
The relation between educational levels and economic development is seen as part of the international division of labour, depending on the degree of national autonomy, and on the relations between countries rather than the differences between them. Education may influence development through changes in ...
or framework for future research and must stand or fall, not so much on facts available or evidence presented, as upon researches to be done, researches suggested perhaps, by the questions raised in this paper.[p. 372] II. THE BASIC NEEDS ...
Evolutionary game theory on complex networks provides an effective theoretical tool to explain the emergence of sustained cooperative behavior. Human society has formed various organizational networks. The network structure and individual behavior take on a variety of forms. This diversity provides the basi...
The obstacles of global protection on the right to development lie on the obsolete ideals of human development. 发展权理念的滞后已成为制约发展权全球保障实现的认识障碍,为此必须实现发展权理念在方式、主体、时空、地位、动力、目的上的"多重超越",以全新的人类发展理念指引发展权全球保障的实现。 更多例句...
* The "Second Integration" provides insight into Chinese modernization and a new model for human advancement. * The integration serves as China's new statecraft in the new era, answering "Why China is China" based on its history and culture. ...
If we care about the influence of social networks on our minds, why are we talking about bipedalism and the 8 million year cycle of co-evolution it kicked off? Because it defined how our young were parented, how we taught them, and what they were exposed to. Because it changed how ...