Now, seeing that the subject emerged from algebraic topology, the application to Computer Science may seem arbitrary. But this came after deep investigations into computational structures and programming since around 1960s, where multiple links between algebra, automata, computational control/data structure...
The aim of this book is to develop the theory of Banach operator ideals and metric tensor products along categorical lines: these two classes of mathematical objects are endofunctors on the category Ban of all Banach spaces in a natural way. (11585views) Categories, Types, and Structures byAnd...
Table of contents (9 chapters) Front Matter Pages I-IX Download chapter PDF Introduction Rolf Färe Pages 1-2 The Production Structure Rolf Färe Pages 3-21 Representing the Technology by Functions Rolf Färe Pages 22-42 Special Production Structures Rolf Färe Pages 43-...
In this lecture we introduce basic notions of knot theory and virtual knot theory. And we study the notion of the parity, invariants constructed by using the parity and properties obtained from them. Exercises will be provided. In this lecture our main...
Title Categories, Types, and Structures: An Introduction to Category Theory for the Working Computer Scientist Author(s) Andrea Asperti, Giuseppe Longo Publisher: The MIT Press (August 23, 1991) Hardcover/Paperback: 320 pages eBook: PDF Language: English ISBN-10: 0262011255 ISBN-13: 978-...
2017 Mathematical Foundations of Programming, Venanzio Capretta. 2017 Coalgebras and Infinite Data Structures, Venanzio Capretta. 2017 Naïve Type Theory (YouTube videos), Thorsten Altenkirch. 2015 Denotational Semantics, Marcelo Fiore. 2015 Introduction to Computational Logic, Gert Smolka and Tobias Te...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 188, Springer, Berlin (1985), pp. 353-375 CrossrefGoogle Scholar [35] K. Mehlhorn Data Structures and Algorithms, 2, Springer, Berlin (1984) [36] Y. Metivier On recognizable subsets of free partially commutative monoids Lecture Notes in Computer Science,...
Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) theory is one of the greatest mathematical achievements of the last century with great impact in science. In recent years, various problems with KAM arise in many branches of mathematics and physics, such as celestial mechan
When we refer to AI, we mean a scaled-up automated application of existing statistical techniques that enables patterns, regularities and structures in data to be recognised without an a priori theoretical framework (Boisot and Canals,2004, Duch-Brown et al.2017, Vigo,2013, Duch-Brown,2017a,20...
Because there are so many methods of analysis and desig nand a plethora of ante a structures, applications are made to some of the most basic and practical con- figurations, such as linear dipoles; loops; arrays; broadband, and frequency-independent ante as; aperture ante as; hor nante ...