Chapter 10 –Theory of Production and Cost in the Long Ru:在长期的生产和成本10章–理论of,in,长期,生产与成本,and,Cost,the,cost,long,长期成本 文档格式: .ppt 文档大小: 152.5K 文档页数: 28页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数:
文档介绍:Transaction cost theory ?经典的交易成本问题是由科斯于 1937 年提出来的: 企业在何时通过自己生产来满足自己的需要(后向、前向或水平一体化)? 在什么时候通过在市场上采购来满足自己的需要?这个问题后来又被称作科斯之谜,并被表述为以下两个相关的问题:为什么市场中要有企业存在?为什么企业的边界不能太...
Theory(微观经济理论).ppt AdvancedMicroeconomics NiDebing Allrightsreserved©2008bymanagementschoolofUESTC References Mas-colell,A.,Whiston,M.D.andGreen,J.R.MicroeconomicTheory(微观经济理论).北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001Harian,H.IntermediateMicroeconomics(6thedition).NewYork:W.W.Norton&Company,2003...
第四章成本论costtheory 1 •教学目的:掌握机会成本、会计成本、利润、边际成 本、平均成本、总成本等基本概念,在分析短期成本曲线与短期产量曲线之间的关系的基础上掌握短期成本曲线的变动规律,通过长期成本与短期成本之间的关系分析长期成本曲线的变动规律。•教学重点:成本曲线的变动规律及成本曲线之间的关系。
Technological Gap Theory (技术差距论) Trade maybe caused by technical changes and developments. “Particular technical changes originate in one country, ‘comparative cost differences’(比较成本差异) may induce trade in particular goods during the lapse of time taken for the rest of the world to ...
A Theory of Vertical Lateral Integration 7 Application – Insurance Industry (III) The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical Lateral Integration 8 Conclusions (I) We have argued that there is often a low-cost alternative to contracts that allocate all specific rights of control....
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 文献阅读MM定理The cost of capital, corporation fiance and the theory of investment.ppt 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 内容提供方:qiwqpu54 审核时间:2018-06-23 审核编号:7055064156001133 ...
Production(生产)Theconversionbetweeninputandoutput (生产是投入与产出之间的转换关系)FactorofProduction(生产要素)Allresourcesthatcanbeusedtoproducegoodsorprovideservices (生产要素是指所有可以用于生产产品或提供服务的资源)Labor(L)andCapital(K)(劳动力、资本)ProductionFunction:Q=f(L,K)ShortRunandLong...
costProduction cycle344.The applications of elasticity theory谷贱伤农 The lower price of food will reduce the revenue of farmers税负分担理论 The theory of tax burden蛛网理论 Spider-web theory35谷贱伤农QopE1P1Q1E2P2Q2FDS1S236税负分担理论oQPS0E0P0Q0D0S1E1P1Q1P2tD0E1P1Q1P2弹性不同税收的分担...
树的权:The cost of a tree is the sum of the edge weights. 最小生成树: A minimum spanning tree of a graph G is a spanning tree of G with the minimum cost. * 3 2 4 5 1 4 3 2 1 避圈法:每次添上G中的一条权值尽可能小的边,确保不出现圈,直至得到一棵支撑树 * 3 2 4 5 1 ...