THEORY OFPLATES AND SHELLSS. TIMOSHENKOProfessor Emeritus of Engineering MechanicsStanford UniversityS. WOINOWSKY-KRIEGERProfessor of Engineering MechanicsLaval UniversitySECOND EDITIONMCGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANYAuckland Bogota Guatemala Hamburg LisbonLondon Madrid Mexico New Delhi Panama Paris San JuanSSo Paulo ...
THEORY OFPLATES AND SHELLSS. TIMOSHENKOProfessor Emeritus of Engineering MechanicsStanford UniversityS. WOINOWSKY-KRIEGERProfessor of Engineering MechanicsLaval UniversitySECOND EDITIONMCGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANYAuckland Bogota Guatemala Hamburg LisbonLondon Madrid Mexico New Delhi Panama Paris San JuanSSo Paulo Si...
BendingofUniformlyLoaded RectangularPlateswithBuilt-inEdges...13 1.4CylindricalBendingofUniformlyLoaded RectangularPlateswithElasticallyBuilt-in Edges...17 1.5TheEffectonStressesandDeflectionsof SmallDisplacementsofLongitudinal EdgesinthePlaneofthePlate...20 1.6AnApproximateMethodofCalculatingthe Parameteru......
Theory of Plates and Shells (McGraw-Hill Classic Textbook Reissue Series) 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 一张图,一段话,说清楚了平板大变形的应变-位移关系。 评分☆☆☆ 一张图,一段话,说清楚了平板大变形的应变-位移关系。 评分☆☆☆ 一张图,一段话...
摘要: Both fluids (gases and liquids) and solids (rods, slabs and blocks) are taken into account. Molecular procedure is mentioned first. The main part of this paper is concentrated on continuum mechanics.关键词: Elastic plates and shells ...
Theory of Plates and Shells(Second Edition)(2-2) .pdfof,OF,帮助,and,AND,pdf,PDF 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 14.96M 文档页数: 313页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 4 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 经济/贸易/财会--财政/国家财政 文档标签: ...
McGraw-Hill Classic Textbook Reissue Series(共2册), 这套丛书还有 《The Fourier Integral and Its Applications (Classic Textbook Reissue Series)》。 我要写书评 Theory of Plates and Shells (McGraw-Hill Classic Textbook Reissue Series)的书评 ···(全部 1 条) 热门最新...
Theory of plates and shells: new trends and applications : International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical SimulationIgor V. AndrianovJan AwrejcewiczTIMOSHENKO S., WOINOWSKY-KRIEGER S. (1959). Theory of Plates and Shells. McGraw-Hill, New York, 580p....
(1972). The theory of shells and plates. In S. Flugge (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Physik, Volume VI, 425-640. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.Naghdi PM. The theory of shells and plates. In Handbuch der Physic, Vol. 4. Springer: Berlin, 1972; 425-640....