Slide in SBTB2021: Credit Prof. Dmytro Mitin at National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv Oron Port et al. maintainers of singleton-ops Mile Sabin et al. maintainers of shapeless Torsten Schmits et ...
Beyond Dorothy Day and Mother Teresa’s public writing, both have also had personal papers published—a diary in the case of Dorothy Day and personal letters in the case of Mother Teresa. These personal papers provide an opportunity to see how these women’s public presentations of their work...
Starch-Smart® System PDF Starch-Smartish Starch-Smart® Starch-Smarter Starch-Smartest From Sun to Plant to Plate Beans, Greens, Squash and Yams Acts Medical Practice AllMedPhysicians, pLLC Medical Supervision Dr. Carney Recommends Health Retreats How Medical Supervision Works Mar. 2013 at Balco...