马斯洛(Maslow)在1943年发表的《人类动机的理论》(A Theory of Human Motivation Psychological Review)一书中提出了需要层次论 这种理论的构成根据三个基本假设: 人要生存,他的需要能够影响他的行为。只有未满足的需要能够影响行为,满足了的需要不能充当激励工具。 人的需要按重要性和层次性排成一定的次序,从基本的...
Abraham Maslow is well renowned for proposing the Hierarchy of Needs Theory in 1943. This theory is a classical depiction of human motivation. This theory is based on the assumption that there is a hierarchy of five needs within each individual. The urgency of these needs varies. These five ...
Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory(马斯洛的需要层次理论) The demand that has been met is no longer a motivating factor. People are always trying to satisfy a certain need. Once a need is met, there is another need to replace it. Most people's needs are complex in structure, and there ...
Michael O NyarkoGeorge FobiriMaud SchallAbdul Razak Seini Yussif
马斯洛(Abraham Maslow)的需要层次论(Hierarchy of needs theory) (1) 生理需要:维持自身生存,饥、渴、衣、住、性的要求。 (2) 安全需要:保障自身安全、摆脱威胁、避免侵袭的需要,可以把科学和人生观看成是满足安全需要的一部分。 (3) 感情需要:友爱,即伙伴之间、同事之间的融洽;爱情,希望爱别人,也渴望接受...
Maslow’s theory of motivation states that psychological health depends on the fulfilling of needs in or of priority and has been adapted to explain the psychological behavior of employees. This is applicable in every realm of human life. According to Maslow, the five basic needs of humans are...
needsmaslowhierarchy马斯洛theoryacute Maslow'shierarchyofneedstheory(马斯洛的需要层次理论) Thedemandthathasbeenmetisnolongeramotivatingfactor. Peoplearealwaystryingtosatisfyacertainneed.Onceaneed ismet,thereisanotherneedtoreplaceit. Mostpeople'sneedsarecomplexinstructure,andtherearemany demandsaffectingbehavioratany...
需求理论(Theory of Needs)的广为流传和美国行为心理学家大卫·麦克利兰(David McClelland)的研究贡献有着密切关系, 在亨利·默里(Henry Murray,1938)早期的研究基础上,麦克利兰于1961年提出人的动机来源于三种支配性的需求: 成就需求(Need for Achievement)、权力需求(Need forPower)以及归属需求(Need forAffiliation)...
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory about five hierarchical levels of human needs, presented in a pyramid shaped model.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Good morning, everybody. Today's lecture is about Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This seems like a psychological topic. Actually, it is something psychological. Abraham Maslow is a psychologist, and he's especially known for his theory of human needs. OK, ...