It is assessed through tasks like "Reading the Mind in the Eyes" developed by Simon Baron-Cohen and colleagues. In this task, participants are presented with a series of photographs showing only the region around the eyes of an individual. Participants are then asked to select, from ...
Still, the researchers found differences in the mental processes of primates that were distinct from how theory of mind is conceptualized in humans. Further research found primates are unable to recognize false beliefs, the recognition that others are able to believe things that aren’t true, a k...
For simplicity, we will label this understanding “theory of mind,” even though it is not literally a “theory” that people have about the mind; rather, it is a capacity that some scholars prefer to label “mentalizing” or “mindreading.” But we will go behind all these labels by br...
在认知心理学领域,通常大家把对于这个能力称为心智理论(theory of mind,ToM),即理解他人思想、信念、欲望和情感的能力。这种理解能力使个人能够预测他人在特定情况下的感受、行为和想法。它是人类社会交往和沟通的一个重要方面,使人们能够解释和预测他人的行为。 当然,也有的学者觉得这个名字有些误导,因为ToM不是字面...
Theory of Mind (ToM) and Mentalization are essential domains involved in child socioemotional development. ToM is the ability to understand people’s
Theory of mindBritish Journal of Developmental Psychology
In recent years,developmental studies ontheory-of-mind(TOM)and metacognition have been the focuses in the field of developmental psychology. 近年来,心理理论和元认知的发展问题已成为发展心理学界关注的热点问题。 4) psychological theory 心理理论
When? This book is a concise and readable review of the extensive research into children 's understanding of what other people think and feel, a central topic in developmental psychology known as "Theory of Mind." The understanding of belief is central to this text, which explains in simpl....
variety of different names: “folk psychology,”“common-sense psychology,”“mentalizing,”“social understanding,”“mindreading,” and, of course, “theory of mind.” Within the field of developmental psychology, researchers have focused primarily on children’s understanding of the relations ...
Reference work2017,Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology W.M.Rote,J.G.Smetana Explore book Theory of Mind Similar to perspective taking,theory of mindfocuses on the understanding that people have mental states (such as desires or beliefs) that are not always known by others...