Theory of Mind is a term from psychology about an individual's capacity for empathy and understanding of others.This is an awareness of others being like yourself, with individual needs and intentions.One of the abilities language users have, is to communicate about things that are not concrete...
Still, the researchers found differences in the mental processes of primates that were distinct from how theory of mind is conceptualized in humans. Further research found primates are unable to recognize false beliefs, the recognition that others are able to believe things that aren’t true, a k...
在认知心理学领域,通常大家把对于这个能力称为心智理论(theory of mind,ToM),即理解他人思想、信念、欲望和情感的能力。这种理解能力使个人能够预测他人在特定情况下的感受、行为和想法。它是人类社会交往和沟通的一个重要方面,使人们能够解释和预测他人的行为。 当然,也有的学者觉得这个名字有些误导,因为ToM不是字面...
那么,为了度量人类对模型的信任程度,在这里作者引入了心智理论:Theory of Mind。 Wiki中对 theory of mind 的定义是: Inpsychology, theory of mind refers to the capacity to understand other people by ascribing mental states to them (that is, surmising what is happening in their mind. 简单来说,如果...
Objectives: This project was implemented to compare the deficit patterns of Theory of Mind (TOM) in three groups of schizophrenic patients, psychotic manic patients, and normal subjects. Method: The subjects of the study comprised three groups of 19 patients with schizophrenia, 15 patients with ...
First, let’s get clear about the roles that this understanding plays in social life. The Role of Theory of Mind in Social Life We rely on the theory of mind in social situations to infer what others are thinking and feeling. Among other things, this capability helps us work successfully ...
Objective: 'Theory of mind' (ToM) arose from the study of primates and their social organization, and scholars in many fields - philosophy, anthropology, psychology, psychiatry and neuroscience - have contributed to this expanding topic. In this paper, we provide an overview of aspects of ToM ...
When? This book is a concise and readable review of the extensive research into children’s understanding of what other people think and feel, a central topic in developmental psychology known as "Theory of Mind". The understanding of belief is central to this text, which explains in si......
Recent studies have shown that observed deficits in theory of mind task performance are part of a broad range of symptoms in schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, some forms of dementia, 'psychopathy' and in other psychiatric disorders. This article reviews the evolutionary psychology of theory ...
theory of mind 美 英 网络心理理论;心智论 英英 网络释义 n. 1. thewaysomebodyconceivesofmentalactivityinothers,includinghowchildrenconceptualizementalactivityinothersandhowtheyattributeintentiontoandpredictthebehaviorofothers 例句 更多例句筛选