Theory of Mind is defined as a cognitive ability to predict and plan people's actions by understanding their perceptions, beliefs, and desires. AI generated definition based on: Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2022 About this pageSet alert
4. K. Milligan, J. W. Astington, L. A. Dack, Language and theory of mind: Meta-analysis of the relation between language ability and false-belief understanding. Child Dev (2007),doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2007.01018.x. 5. R. M. Seyfarth, D. L. Cheney, Affiliation, empathy, and th...
Theory of MindGoldman, Alvin I
根据第一段“But we have one superpower they aren't close to mastering: mind reading. (但我们有 一个他们还没有掌握的超能力:读心术)”和第二段“Humans have a mysterious ability to reason the goals, desires and beliefs of others, a crucial skill that means we can anticipate other people's...
Theories of mind are broadly classified into two: Cognitive theories, which are concerned with the state of mind, beliefs, thoughts, opinions, and intentions of others. The second category is affective theories which are related to the feelings and emotions of others....
*首发豆瓣酱地址:SEP:心灵的计算理论(The Computational Theory of Mind) *作者Michael Rescorla(是加州大洛杉矶分校哲学系教授,主要研究心灵哲学、逻辑哲学、认识论,与语言哲学。近期工作主要关注于心灵表征的本质,联系于认知科学、可计算性理论,概率论等研究的基础。也是我之前一篇词条LOTH的作者(请...
At the core of what defines us as humans is the concept of theory of mind: the ability to track other people’s mental states. The recent development of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT has led to intense debate about the possibility that the
Quantum Consciousness | String Theory | Unification of Mind and Matter | Superhuman | Miroslaw Magola
In order to develop cognitive systems for social robotics with greater human-likeliness, we used an "understanding by building" approach to model and implement a well-known theory of mind in the form of an artificial intelligence, and we tested it on a sophisticated robotic platform. The name ...
(RO-MAN 2022) Understanding Intention for Machine Theory of Mind: A Position Paper.[Paper] (Psychological Medicine 2020) Knowing Me, Knowing you: Theory of Mind in AI.[Paper] (Neuropsychologia 2020) Theory of Mind and Decision Science: Towards a Typology of Tasks and Computational Models.[Pape...