theory of elasticity. The text provides a detailed explanation of the topic in its various aspects, revealing important relationships with general physics and applications to engineering. Also included are a historical introduction to the theory, notes section, index of authors cited and index of ...
Shallow shells are widely encountered in biological structures, especially during embryogenesis, when they undergo significant shape variations. As a conse
2.3.1 Boussinesq The Boussinesq method uses the theory of elasticity to calculate the vertical stress under a point load in a homogeneous, semi-infinite half space: = 3 2 ⥂ 2 5 4 Where L is the loading stress at any point and the meaning of the other symbols are as shown. Q ...
de Kroon H, Plaisier A, van Groenendael J, Caswell H (1986) Elasticity: the relative contribution of demographic parameters to population growth rate. Ecology 67(5):1427–1431 de Kroon H, van Groenendael J, Ehrlén J (2000) Elasticities: a review of methods and model limitations. Ecology ...
Book Review: Janusz Dyszlewicz, Micropolar Theory of Elasticity, in F. Pfeiffer and P. Wriggers (eds.), Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Vol. 15doi:10.1002/zamm.200590006HolmHalleAltenbachHalleWileyZamm Journal of Applied Mathematics & Mechanics...
As follows from themathematical theoryof elasticity, the increment Δrof the current radius r of the hollow sphere under pressure can be determined by the following formula[64,65].a (2.32)Δr=13λ+2μ·Pr13−P0r03r03−r13+14μ·r03r13P−P0r03−r13·1r2 ...
e, Similarly, incorporating Maxwellian visco-elasticity in the model (see section Section II E in the SI Text) has little effect on the dispersion relation for realistic viscoelastic timescales (τm = 60min). Extended Data Fig. 5 Individual fits of repeats from cell stretch and optogenetic ...
Big Data (BD) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) play a fundamental role in today’s economy that traditional economic models fail to capture. This paper presents a theoretical conceptualisation of the data economy and derives implications for digital gove
Plates and shells are solids with one dimension -the thickness (h)- much smaller than the other two dimensions. When the mid-thickness surface (S) is contained in a plane, such solids are called plates, otherwise they are shells. Plates were studied in c
Winkler, E.: Die Lehre von der Elastizität and Festigkeit [The theory of elasticity and strength], Prag. Dominicus (1867). Pasternak, P. L. (1954). Ocнoвынoвoгo мeтoдa pacчeтa фyндaмeнтoв нa yпpyгoм ocнoвaниипpи пoмoщидвyx кo...