Develop a Theory of Change to map out your organization’s goals, activities, and outcomes. Use this framework to drive strategic planning and measure your impact effectively.
Theory of changeProgram evaluationPhilanthropic evaluationCommunity assessmentImpact evaluationAs part of the process of examining their theory of change (TOC) and reflecting on grant making activity, one Midwestern foundation employed a multipronged strategy to assess 209 community-based mental health ...
Theory of Change is a theoretical framework that explains how and why an initiative works by identifying the necessary preconditions and steps on the causal pathway to achieve a desired outcome. It helps in mapping out the chronological order of these preconditions and is used in the development ...
“ ⊕ ” and “ ⊗ ” signs stand for direct sum and tensor product of representations, respectively. “=” denotes equivalence of representations, i.e., they differ from each other by a change of basis. The coefficients in the change of basis are exactly the celebrated Clebsch–...
but also various forms of credulous (brave) and defeasible reasoning, as well as some new kinds such as contraction inference relations that express relative independence of pieces of data. In addition, the same framework will serve as a basis for a general theory of belief change which, among...
The present article presents an integrative theoretical framework to explain and to predict psychological changes achieved by different modes of treatment. This theory states that psychological procedures, whatever their form, alter the level and strength of self-efficacy. It is hypothesized that expectati...
andclimates. During the late 20th and early 21st centuries, it became apparent that plate-tectonic processes profoundly influence thecompositionof Earth’s atmosphere and oceans, serve as a prime cause of long-termclimate change, and make significant contributions to the chemical and physicalenvironment...
– Encourages close collaboration, regular communication, and embracing change. Lean Startup The Lean Startup methodology, developed by Eric Ries, is a framework for building and scaling startups through rapid experimentation and validated learning. It emphasizes creating a minimum viable product (MVP...
LUPI Framework(Learning Using Privileged Information 基于特权信息的学习方法) 这个方法是受 learning at school 的启发 目标是学习一个函数 h: x\in\chi\rightarrow y\in {\{-1,+1}\} 假设学习时比测试时有更多的可用信息 S^* ={\{({x_i, x^*_i, y_i)\}}}_{1 \leq i \leq m} ...
Socialism was a direct response to the Industrial Revolution, which brought enormous economic and social change to Great Britain and the rest of the world. As industrialists grew wealthy on the labor of workers who increasingly lived in poverty, socialism emerged as an alternative to capitalism, ...