พร้อมให้บริการ กรอบ: ไม่มี อุปกรณ์อัจฉริยะ: ไม่ใช่ ฉบับต้นฉบับ: ใช่ {"การใช้งานและความ...
of knowledge in the field.. Theory In philosophy, theory (from ancient Greek theoria, θεωρία, meaning "a looking at, viewing, beholding") refers to contemplation or speculation, as opposed to action. Theory is especially often contrasted to "practice" (Greek praxis, πρᾶ ξι...
Theory is a systematic grouping of interdependent concepts (mental images of anything formed by generalization from particulars) and principles (are generalizations or hypotheses that are tested for accuracy and appear to be true to reflect or explain reality) that give a framework to, or tie togeth...