Dan LiMeilin GuanYongjuan Li
Department of Psychology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, USA Charles S. Carver Department of Psychology, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA Michael F. Scheier Bibliographic Information Book TitleAttention and Self-Regulation Book SubtitleA Control-Theory Approach to Human Behavior ...
Blood pressure, self-care, self-care agency, self-care motivation, theory of planned behavior, structural equation modelingThe theory of planned behavior (TPB) was integrated within the theory of self-care (SCT) to explore the predictive value of extending TPB to measure attitudes and beliefs ...
Over the last several years we have been working on the development of a theoretical account of the self-regulation of behavior. Our approach derives from many sources, including Duval and Wicklund's (1972) self-awareness theory and the broader set of ideas known as control theory or cybernetic...
Ajzen also proposed that when perceived behavioral control closely reflects actual control, it will directly predict behavior. Fishbein and Ajzen proposed the reasoned action approach as a further development in their theory based on research. The reasoned action approach extends the theory of planned ...
Criminological research on self-control focuses mainly on self-control failure. Such research has not, however, investigated the consequences of exercising
of low self-control Self-control consists of the ability to delay gratification People with low self-control have a “here and now” orientation and are unable or unwilling to delay gratification. Crime provides easy gratification of desires (money without work, sex without courtship, revenge ...
Self and Identity 2: 47-60.Self-identity and the theory of planned behavior in the prediction of health behavior and leisure activity - Mannetti, Pierro, et al. - 2003Pierro, A., Mannetti, M., Livi, S. (2003) Self-Identity and the Theory of Planned Behavior in the Prediction of ...
Intention (β =0.46) predicted action planning and action planning (β =0.19) predicted dental attendance behavior (p < 0.001). The model revealed indirect effects of intention and perceived behavioral control on behavior through action planning and through intention and action planning, ...
Consider such a relatively routine behavior as typing a letter. When setting this activity as a goal, we anticipate the need to locate a typewriter, insert a sheet of paper, adjust the margins, formulate words and sentences, strike the appropriate keys, and so forth. Some parts of the plan...