Biggs A, Brough P and Drummond S (2017) Lazarus & Folkman's psychological stress and coping theory. In: Cooper C L and Campbell Quick J (eds.) The Handbook of Stress and Health: A Guide to Research and Practice. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. pp. 349-364....
根据 Lazarus 和 Folkman 的压力和应对理论,当个人遇到超出其控制范围的外部事件时,感受到的压力会导致心理上的痛苦(Lazarus & Folkman, 1984)。 经济不稳定和社会不公也是造成个人痛苦的重要因素。经济困难,如失业和贫困,可以增加个人的心理压力和痛苦。这些痛苦的根源在于宏观经济和社会结构,而非个人的能力不足。
中文: 根据Lazarus & Folkman的理论观点,应对是个体与环境相互影响的过程,在这个过程中,个体对于环境的认知评价起着关键性作用。英文: Constructivism is the new phase of education theory after behaviorism and cognitive science; it's regarded as an important theoretical base for educational modernization.中文:...
作者: S.E. Hobfoll 摘要: Conservation of resources (COR) theory has become one of the two leading theories of stress and trauma in the past 20 years, along with the pioneering theory of Lazarus and Folkman (1984). COR theory emphasizes objective elements of threat and loss, and common ...
Biggs, A., Brough, P., & Drummond, S. (2017).Lazarus and Folkman’s psychological stress and coping theory. The handbook of stress and health: A guide to research and practice, 351-364. Folkman, S., & Lazarus, R. S. (1984).Stress, appraisal, and coping (p. 460). New York: ...
also support the importance of providing spiritual care. Frankl[5]has influenced nurses studying persons with serious illness, life meanings, and positive attitudes, and nurses have used the stress and coping frameworks of Antonovsky, Lazarus, and Folkman to research spiritual responses to illness[6,...
Answer and Explanation: Out of the various theories of stress, one is the Transactional theory of stress and coping provided by Lazarus and Folkman in 1984. It states that... Learn more about this topic: Stress Appraisal Theory by Richard Lazarus | Overview & Model ...
认知评价理论则认为, 个体对压力事件的认知才是压力感的决定性因素; 同一事件会因个体对事件的不同认知而对产生不同程度的影响(Lazarus & Folkman, 1984)。 虽然Hobfoll承认个体认知, 主要指个体对资源价值的认知, 是压力产生过程中的一个环节。但他认为个体对资源价值的认知更多的是文化建构的结果, 同一文化情境...
Lazarus, R. S., Kanner, A. D., & Folkman, S. (1980). Emotions: A cognitive-phenomenological analysis. In R. Plutchik & H. Kellerman (Eds.),Theories of emotion(pp. 189–217). New York, NY: Academic Press. Google Scholar Lennings, C. J. (1996). Self-efficacy and temporal orienta...
In the late 1970s, and within a few years of each other, a number of researchers including myself (e.g., Refs. 30, 31; see also a review of 10 years of research by Lazarus and Folkman (32); also Refs. 33-35) developed measurement approaches bearing the same metatheoretical stamp....