In many scientific fields, sparseness and indirectness of empirical evidence pose fundamental challenges to theory development. Theories of the evolution o
R. Stein, “The functor K2: a survey of computations and problems,” Lect. Notes Math.,342, 243–280 (1973). Google Scholar R. K. Dennis and M. R. Stein, “A new exact sequence for K2 and some consequences for rings of integers,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc.,78, No. 4, 600–...
The results in this paper bring out basic properties of π P , mostly related to the interplay between the restriction operator and the preorder on names. Consequently, π P is a calculus in the tradition of Fusion calculi, in which both types and behavioural equivalences can be exploited in...
The usual method of using the SVM for multi-class problems is to train one SVM for each class so that each separates the class in question from all the others. This means that five quadratic programming problems have to be solved for the current problem. There are strategies for multi-...
For example, we develop a predictive model of the skin-friction coefficient in boundary-layer transition based on the small-scale inclination angle in experimental images. Some open problems in the VSF study are discussed, including the regularization for the breakdown of virtual conservation theorems...
An educational intervention was then designed and implemented based on the results of this descriptive-analytical study. The results of the descriptive-analytical study showed that sixth grade girls (11–12 years old) had the highest DMFT index and oral health problems [18, 19]. In addition,...
As an extension of probability theory, evidence theory is able to better handle unknown and imprecise information. Owing toits advantages, evidence theory has more flexibility and effectiveness for modeling and processing uncertain information.Uncertainty measure plays an essential role both in evidence th...
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In the 20th century the emphasis shifted to the solution of boundary-value problems, and the theory itself remained relatively dormant until the middle of the century when new results appeared concerning, among other things, Saint-Venant’s principle, stress functions, variational principles, and ...
The authors are indebted to J. Renegar for his assistance and support in understanding the contents of [26]. Moreover, the authors are grateful to anonymous referees for highly comprehensive reviews, in particular for the suggestion of adding the Appendix on the construction of the set\({\math...