It seems that the actors who brought to life the iconic characters of the galaxy far, far away, are fulfilling the saga’s divine promise in death. After the tragic loss of James Earl Jones, the legendary voice of Darth Vader, the Star Wars fandom faced yet another heartbreak with the pa...
However, he's also among an even smaller list of Star Wars characters who fought beside both Skywalker and Vader. Ultimately, Thrawn had an abundance of respect for Anakin Skywalker following their time together, both during the Clone Wars and the reign of the Empire. They were both brillian...
Bernadette, Raj, Leonard, Penny and Amy are the only characters of the social group/main cast whose parents have both been seen on-camera - Sheldon's father died when Sheldon was a child, Howard's father abandoned him and his mother when Howard was eleven, Stuart's mother and father have...
The Big Bang Theoryhas left an indelible mark on Hollywood, popular culture, and the world at large. The series put a real spotlight on nerd culture, as it chronicled the lives of best friends Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, and Howard and the many other characters who came in and ...
EA made the news yesterday when arepresentative responded to an angry playerwho unconvered their newest business blunder wherein classic characters in the "Star Wars" universe (e.g., Darth Vader) were locked behind 60,000 credits, an in-game currency that could not be purchased with real mo...
We can look at the “theme” in terms of its setting, scope, and subject matter (e.g. Star Wars, galactic-scale space battles, fighting for control of planets). Conversely, the intrinsic and dynamic levels are harder to pin down. How do we assess how narratives are built in-game, or...
Sheldon has qualities include social ineptitude and many more traits which make him the most eccentric and bizarre of the characters in the show. The writers did not want to identify his condition and have people disagree with his future actions as not consistent with the medical condition. Many...
So apparently all the cast members and characters in Disneyland if they’re hugged by a child they are not allowed to let go first. It is because we don’t know what has been going on with them, and they might need the long hug to feel loved of safe. This is actually a good ...
Druckmann's announcement was accompanied by a new video from season 2. The brief teaser opens with Kaitlyn Dever as Abby, one of the new characters in season 2. Fans of the game know Abby will play an important role this season, and her controversial actions will be extremely polarizing wit...
The game also includes "found footage" videos that links characters together, along with historical myths from the real world sprinkled in. "Inscryption" is a game that transcends itself, creating a whole world of hints and riddles to dive into. There's even an ARG element that brings the ...