Podcast:Play in new window|Download|Embed Watch onArchive/BitChute/LBRY/Minds/YouTube If you are afraid of being called a conspiracy theorist, then those words are having their intended effect. I will not censor myself to appeal to the Normie McNormiesons of the world. Yes, sometimes I the...
Lab-training (learning through experience) or sensitivity groups Focus on human relations processes in business settings, help people from organizational settings develop human relations skills by examining the group process rather than personal growth Self-Help or Support Groups Same issue, learn from ...
If you can instill in your friend an enthusiasm for the process of learning what's real, then you've just helped to create a person more likely to begin questioning their own beliefs that obviously don't conform to the standard of evidence. You can't change their mind on something where...
and I had dinner with my brother the night after. I was like, "Wow this is a great book series and I really enjoy it but there are so many things left open from the last book as well as a bunch of plotlines from previous books, I'm not sure how I'm going to get through u...
The machine learning and computer science communities have often blurred the lines between implementation of inference algorithms and the underlying statistical models and called the joint unit an “algorithm.” (It’s not just these communities – stats is guilty too, especially in the papers that ...
Engels also cultivated his capacity for learning languages; he boasted to his sister that he knew 24. In private, however, he developed an interest in liberal and revolutionary works, notably the banned writings of “Young German” authors such as Ludwig Börne, Karl Gutzkow, and Heinrich ...