The complexity of theories on rural development in Europe: An analysis of the paradigmatic case of Almeria (South-east Spain). Sociol. Rural. 2011, 51. [CrossRef]Galdeano-Gomez, Emilio; Jose A. Aznar-Sanchez y Juan C. Perez-Mesa. 2011. "The Complexity of Theories on Rural Development ...
thus a literature review is done on the leading development theories of rural and urban areas in several periods of the West.It was considered that the development views of rural and urban areas have experienced three processes: simplicity integrated,divided and coordinated.At last it draws ...
The paper analyses the theories of rural tourism development and present the framework of the main factors of rural tourism development based on this theoretical framework. There are several theories of rural tourism development based on the supply and demand factors. The main demand factors of rural...
Chapters II and III are part of theoretical studies, that rural tourism and rural development of their new concept adequately defined, the basic theory of both a detailed presentation, but also on the mutual relationship and interaction between the two a comprehensive and thorough analysis of the ...
Differences in economic development in rural regions of advanced countries: a review of theories In the RUREMPLO project an analysis is made of the development of employment in the rural regions of the EU against the background of a downward trend in the agricultural labour force. For this ...
In this paper I explore how five competing theories of poverty shape anti-poverty strategies. Since most rural community development efforts aim to relieve causes or symptoms of poverty, it makes a difference which theory of poverty is believed to he responsible for the problem being addressed. In...
The niche theory is the most important theories in research of development of the rural Settlement. The niche eco state-eco role theory can display the development distance among the Rural Settlements. Niche suitability evaluation model can give a basis for the evaluation of Rural Settlement sustaina...
The Journal of the Community Development Society Community Development Mar 2007 205被引用 2笔记 摘要原文 In this paper I explore how five competing theories of poverty shape anti-poverty strategies. Since most rural community development efforts aim to relieve causes or symptoms of poverty, it makes...
Rural Poverty in China and Its Contributory Factors. In China Rural Survey, 9. 2. Seebohm Rowntree (1902). Poverty: A Study of Town Life. Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson and Sons, pp. 169–172. 3. World Bank (1980). World Development Report 1980. Beijing: China Financial and Economic ...
Understanding Community Attitudes Towards Tourism and Host—Guest Interaction in the Urban—Rural Border Region An improved understanding of both community attitudes toward tourism and host–guest interaction is vital for the sustainable development of tourism. Howev... J Zhang,RJ Inbakaran,MS Jackson ...