原文是英文,以下内容是原文的不完整概述,我没有将原文中政治敏感的部分包含在以下概括中,并且以下内容不可避免的会有我自己的主观看法混杂其中,感兴趣的读者建议阅读原文: “Daniel Drezner, Theories of International Politics and Zombies (Revived Edition) (Princeton: Princeton Uni Press, 2014), Chapters 3-5...
4) international politics 国际政治学 1. The difference determines a new theoretical construction of Chinese international politics. 既然中国和平崛起走的是一条不同以往的新路,中国国际政治学理论建设同样应该有别于西方国际政治学理论建设的老路,寻找一条独特的新路。 更多例句>> ...
Daniel W. Drezner is professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. His books include All Politics Is Global (Princeton). He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Zombie Research Society. ...
THEORIES of International Politics & Zombies (Book)DREZNER, Daniel W.POLITICAL science writingNONFICTIONThe article reviews the book "Theories of International Politics and Zombies," by Daniel W. Drezner.doi:10.1111/1478-9302.12016_44Housenick, Christopher...
doi:10.1080/09636412.2011.600144CopelandDale C.Taylor & Francis GroupSecurity StudiesCOPELAND, D. C. Rationalist theories of international politics and the problem of the future. Security Studies W O Q
The end of the cold war has produced a sustained debate on international relations theory. Some scholars argue that the unexpected and unexpectedly peaceful demise of the post-World War II international order undermines the entire research agenda of the subfield; others maintain that it warrants an...
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international politics and politics, for its special features, such as theoretical, realistic and inter-disciplinary . The application of case teaching in it can make good effect. On the one hand, its features and the development about teaching-method request more charming method than that before,...
African agency in international politics This book analyses the burgeoning role of African states, leaders and other political actors in international politics in the 21st Century. In contrast to the conventional approach to studying Africa's international relations, which focu... W Brown,S Harman -...
科目名称国际关系理论英文名称TheoriesofInternationalRelations.ppt,伯羅奔尼撒「戰史」 “The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must.” 君主的「治國」之道 具體的辦法:一,如果這片新領土是語言文化相類似之地,就只需要除去原有王室的血統,也