2. Distribution of shale gas in China 3. Geological characteristics of shale gas in China 4. Progress in shale gas exploration and development in China over the past five years 5. Research progress in shale gas geologic theory in China 6. Shale gas exploration directions in China 7. Conclusio...
In fact, the smoothness is the result of many laborious it- erations, mercifully concealed from the reader. Even more, it is due to witting or unwitting inspiration, advice and assistance from many scientists, includ- ing E.W. Dijkstra, A.J.R.G. Milner, J.A. Bergstra, A.W. Roscoe...
Exercise 7.4 Taking inspiration from Exercise 2.9, show that Morita equivalence is an equivalence relation. Exercise 7.5 Define .AN = A ⊕···⊕ A (.N copies) as an .A − MN (A)-bimodule. 1. Show that .AN ⊗A AN MN (A), as .MN (A) − MN (A)-bimodules. 2. Show ...
I locate my arguments in a decolonizing, post-colonial, performance space that draws inspiration from the just ended Decade of Indigenous Peoples (Denzin and Lincoln 2008). I begin with GT, arguably the most influential model of theory construction used by qualitative researchers in the social ...
Bio-inspirationThis paper presents a small sample of evidences of the direct and clear influence of the Darwin's Theory of Evolution on the Computer Science field, putting the core seed of the well-known Evolutionary Computation and making Computer Science overcome some previous algorithmic ...
巴赫金bahkin妇女inspiration理论女权 妇女研究论丛 ColectionofWom n'sStudi s 米哈伊尔・巴赫金被认为是20世纪最伟大 的思想家之一,他在哲学、美学、诗学、语言学、 符号学、历史文化学以及人类学等学科领域均 有重大建树。他的思想与理论,自20世纪60年 代以来,不但在其故土俄国,而且在西方各国, 特别在法、美、...
1860 Twombly.LouisSu#ivan The of UniversityChicagoPress.1991. HisLifeand SiftonBooks Work.ElisabethViking,1986i 年开始在巴黎美术学院任教,沙利文在巴黎美术学院 CK andthePoet-- [2】LaineN.Inspiration—Nature 圉2。4,5.79I自Lauren 学习时曾在其工作室工作。 S.Weingarden.£D曲I-L. TheCollectedPoems...