Theories in medical ethicsThree key elements of human behavior agent(行为者)action (行为本身)consequence (行为后果)Theories in medical ethicsDeontology(道义论)Consequentialism(后果论)Theory of virtue(美德论)Case 1 一位妇女A度完暑假回家,被一男子B杀害。这位男子B过去曾向他的精神病医生坦白他想杀她(A...
Threetheoriesofethics MichaelLacewing ©MichaelLacewing Normativeethicsandmetaethics •Normativetheories:theoriesaboutwhatisright,wrong,goodorbadwhichwecanuseinpracticalcases,e.g.itisalwaysrighttodowhatwillmakemostpeoplehappy•Metaethicaltheories:theoriesabouttheveryideas,theconcepts,ofright,wrong,goodandbad,e....
Utility “By utility is meant…benefit, advantage, pleasure, good, or happiness or to prevent the happening of pain, evil or unhappiness to the party whose interest is considered: if that party be the community in general, then the happiness of the community; if a particular individual, then...
thinking about, reflecting on a message Motivation (willingness) to process a message Ability to process (understand) a message Example: Babbs is car shopping. She looks up information comparing safety, reliability, performance, customer satisfaction, mileage, and depreciation for three makes of sporty...
HeatherwasnamedintheAFRBOSSMagazinetwenty‘trueleaders’in2008,notjustbecauseofherleadershipoftheAiGroupbutbecauseoftheperceptionthatsheembodiestwoofthequalitiesseenascriticalforleadersinthecurrentglobalenvironment—namely,ethicsandintegrity.4 Introduction Theoriesandmodels a‘theory’isastructuredesignedto...
Jung’s Theory of Two Types Jung states that there are two differing attitudes towards life, which serve as modes for reacting to circumstances (Philosophy 302: Ethics, n.d). The extrovert is the bold, outgoing person, while the introvert is the shy, self-centered person who is focused in...
From studies of East Asian economies, Tu Weiming at Harvard says that Neo-Confucian ethics matters in the long-run sustainable economic growth. The Bottom line is -There are a variety of Endogenous Growth Theories. -They focus on ‘something inside or deeper’ than K, L, and T, which is...
Post-conventional – Ethics – Observing individual and group (societal) rights. Conscience and logic – Seeking to apply universal principles of right and wrong. Formal operations (11- adulthood) – The person becomes able to solve real and hypothetical problems using abstract concepts. ...
138 Table 5.3 -authoritarian ethics-source in a conscience that is rooted outside the individual -humanistic ethics- represent true virtue in the sense of the unfolding of a person’s powers in accordance with the law of one’s own human nature and the assumption of full responsibility for ...