Theories of how the Universe Began Beginning With a Bang Big Bang Theory Scientists believe Universe started with a big explosion 15 billion years ago Matter, gravity, and electromagnetism were created by the blast Universe expanded Edwin Hubble First to discover Universe expanding Distant galaxies mov...
During the 1980s, Hawking turned his attention to the Big Bang and the uncertainties about the beginning of the universe. "Events before the Big Bang are simply not defined, because there’s no way one could measure what happened at them. Since events before the Big Bang have no observation...
symmetry, or at least the original symmetry, is lost. It is this breakdown of symmetry that theorists are trying to understand in reverse, because at the beginning of the universe, it was perfectly
The theory argues that the inflationary phase of the Universe goes on forever; it didn’t end for the Universe as a whole. In other words, cosmic inflation continues in some parts of the Universe and ceases in others. This leads to a multiverse scenario, wherein space is broken into bubbl...
THEORIESOF THEORIGINOF THE UNIVERSE 1. Steady StateTheory– based on the perfect cosmological principle that the universe looks the same from any location at anytime. Thistheoryholds that the universe is unchanging‚ it has no beginning and no end. 2. Big BangTheory– presupposes that...
Believe it or not, there is actually a theory that puts the Die Hard movies in the same universe as the Pixar movies. And that might not even be the craziest one! From James Bond to The Matrix to Schwarzenegger to Jackie Chan, theories abound for virtually every action star, superhero, ...
became the man who would push his view of the origin of the universe into the forefront of science. Upon seeing the explosion of the atomic bomb, he drew an analogy to the beginning of the universe. If the A-bomb can, in a hundred-millionth of a second, create elements still detected...
The discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964 provided strong evidence for the Big Bang theory. This radiation is thought to be the residual heat from the Big Bang and is uniformly distributed throughout the universe. The Big Bang theory has had a profound impact on modern...
of energy and stopped giving off light and heat. There are no blackdwarf stars out there in the Universe because they take billions, even trillions, of years to form, and the Universe is too young for them to appear. Eventually, the time that stars existed will be no more than a blink...