These are a collection of the notes I made during my undergrad in Theoretical Physics at Trinity College Dublin: Most of them are still currently under construction. I will update them every now and again (Unlikly). I will also leave a link to view an overleaf document of the template for...
School of Physics, CRANN & AMBER Research Centres, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Oran Cassidy, Kevin Synnatschke, Jose M. Munuera, Cian Gabbett, Tian Carey, Luke Doolan, Eoin Caffrey & Jonathan N. Coleman Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden & Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemis...
Jonathan N ColemanSchool of Physics and CRANN, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, IrelandThe Royal Society of ChemistryJournal of Materials ChemistryMay P, Khan U, O'Neill A, Coleman JN. Approaching the theoretical limit for reinforcing polymers with graphene. J Mater Chem 2012;22:1278e82....
34,35,36]. While retaining the essential physics of SYK model, these models make it possible to define transport properties. Specifically, these models describes Incoherent Metal (IM) and saturate chaos bound. This motivates us to consider an IM bath....
Department of Chemistry, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland David A. Morton-Blake Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Morton-Blake, D.A. Periodic perturbations of a polymer. Theoret. Chim. Acta 59, 213–227 (1981). 0004 1936 9705School of Physics, CRANN & AMBER Research CentresTrinity College Dublin Dublin IrelandTian Carey 0004 1936 9705School of Physics, CRANN & AMBER Research CentresTrinity College Dublin Dublin Ireland...
Physics Letters BA. S. Kronfeld and S. M. Ryan, Remark on the theoretical uncertainty in B0B¯0 mixing, Phys. Lett. B543 (2002) 59-65, [hep-ph/0206058].A.S. Kronfeld and S.M. Ryan, Remark on the theoretical uncertainty in B0-B0 mixing, Phys. Lett. B 543 (2002) 59 [hep...