R. (2003). The theoretical orientation profile scale- revised: A validation study. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 36, 95-105.Worthington, R. L., & Dillon, F. R. (2003). The Theoretical Orientation Profile Scale-Revised: A validation study. Measurement and Evaluation...
Preference for theoretical orientation was assessed using a measure adapted from the Theoretical Orientation Profile Scale-Revised, while personality was assessed with the HEXACO Personality Inventory. After controlling for the effects of gender, profession, and degree type, personality was found to ...
Niehorster DC, Li, L, Markus Lappe (2017) The Accuracy and Precision of position and orientation tracking in the HTC Vive Virtual Reality System for Scientific Research. I-Perception 8(3):2041669517708205 Nortvedt GA, Arvid Siqveland (2019) Are beginning Calculus and Engineering Students adequate...
Thuro K, Plinninger RJ, Zah S, Schutz S (2001b) Scale effects in rock strength propertiues. Part-2: Point load test and point load strength index. ISRM regional Symp. EUROCK 2001. Rock Mechanics a Challenge for Society, ESPOO, Finland, 3–7 June Worsey P, Qu S (1987) Effect of...
[33], we can structure plant ethics along the lines of the following theoretical orientations: Instrumental: traditional perspective, according to which, it is morally necessary to take plants into consideration due to the irreplaceable benefits that they provide to humans and animals (food, ...
In a first setup, experiments were performed in a laboratory-scale fused silica JSR, a type of continuous stirred-tank reactor suitable for gas-phase kinetic studies. Its internal volume amounted to 85 cm3, and it was operated at steady state. Such a setup is described in detail in previous...
Only the electron and hole distributions in aluminium exhibit such an orientation dependence; the remaining metals deviate significantly from that idealized prediction. For the noble metals, the allowed transitions are on a surface in k space containing the X and L points, which contributes carriers ...
This nearly four-fold increase confirms that the DFT energetics of our multinary oxides are sensitive to magnetic ordering, most likely because these compositions can have multiple magnetic elements with many unique spin magnitudes and orientations. Due to the unprecedented size of our dataset---...
Financial constraint was another commonly reported barrier to PA amongst both university staff and students, regardless of their age or sexual orientation. Some of the university staff believed that even though the onsite sports centre was a big facility that offered a wide variety of exercise classe...
Sexual selection typically centers on bodily and psychological traits. Non-bodily traits ranging from housing and vehicles through art to social media can,